Yesterday I did get caught up in the Midnight Moon sew-along. I knew I had weeks 10 and 11 to do, but discovered I had somehow skipped week 7, All good now, all done. That star block in the middle of the upper row? I did that three times. I just could not get the colors right. The block on the far right in the upper row is called Darting Birds. I made that one three times too. I kind of hate it. It is a weird block: easy as sin, but and it was hard to get the colors/contrasts right. I may have to sacrifice that one and come up with a new block.
The Rollin' Along sew along is about to start. I got my Cozy Up fabrics all starched and I am ready to go with the center Great Granny block.
Our weather is warming up, but I am looking forward to it. I love sitting out on my porch reading my book and getting some fresh air. There is a limit though. If it is over 100 degrees, I do not last long! Early morning is the best time to sit out.
Best of all is the time I have been finding to get some sewing done!
Ozzie had a birthday yesterday. 15 years old, can you believe it? He definitely has mellowed in his old age. He's still annoying, but not nearly the scamp he used to be. Here he is, about 13 years ago with a ball of yarn I had been saving for something nice.
24 responses to “Midnight Moon Catch Up”
Happy Birthday Ozzie!!! As cute as ever! I can’t believe your sew alongs Nicole! Good job!
Happy Birthday Ozzie!!! As cute as ever! I can’t believe your sew alongs Nicole! Good job!
Happy Birthday Ozzie!!! As cute as ever! I can’t believe your sew alongs Nicole! Good job!
I have always loved Ozzie & his mischief! Happy birthday to the ‘King of Scamps!’ 🐶🎂 Your blocks look great, but I don’t know about the Darting Birds one…just doesn’t speak to me, I guess.
I have always loved Ozzie & his mischief! Happy birthday to the ‘King of Scamps!’ 🐶🎂 Your blocks look great, but I don’t know about the Darting Birds one…just doesn’t speak to me, I guess.
I have always loved Ozzie & his mischief! Happy birthday to the ‘King of Scamps!’ 🐶🎂 Your blocks look great, but I don’t know about the Darting Birds one…just doesn’t speak to me, I guess.
ozzie! stay cool!
ozzie! stay cool!
ozzie! stay cool!
Happy Birthday, Ozzie!! I hope you are still not eating mommy’s shoes❤️
Happy Birthday, Ozzie!! I hope you are still not eating mommy’s shoes❤️
Happy Birthday, Ozzie!! I hope you are still not eating mommy’s shoes❤️
I enjoy seeing your progress on your quilt.
Happy 15th Birthday Ozzie! That’s such a cute name for an adorable boy.
I enjoy seeing your progress on your quilt.
Happy 15th Birthday Ozzie! That’s such a cute name for an adorable boy.
I enjoy seeing your progress on your quilt.
Happy 15th Birthday Ozzie! That’s such a cute name for an adorable boy.
Ozzie is so cute. How could you not love that face.
Ozzie is so cute. How could you not love that face.
Ozzie is so cute. How could you not love that face.
Love your blocks and Ozzie! My favorite of him was when he got into your bra🤣 he’s so funny!
Love your blocks and Ozzie! My favorite of him was when he got into your bra🤣 he’s so funny!
Love your blocks and Ozzie! My favorite of him was when he got into your bra🤣 he’s so funny!
Oh my goodness, happy birthday to Ozzie! Hope he was a good boy and got some extra love and snuggles.
Oh my goodness, happy birthday to Ozzie! Hope he was a good boy and got some extra love and snuggles.
Oh my goodness, happy birthday to Ozzie! Hope he was a good boy and got some extra love and snuggles.