I have entered this week at the pace of a turtle. I did manage to get one block done in the weekly Piecing From the Past Sew Along. This one is called Arizona.
Today was the last day of school for Eva. We will still continue to use the online learning resources the school has provided us. We did get some good news that the neighborhood pool may reopen this summer. Lots of restrictions of course. Only six kids at a time in the pool and no one within 10 feet of one another. No guests, members only. If the maximum number of people are already within the pool gates, people have to line up outside in the sun and wait for someone to leave so they can go in. Oh, and in the adult pool–get this: if one person wants to swim laps, everyone else has to get out. I don't see why they couldn't just allow one person to swim in a lane and leave the other 5 people alone to dunk or soak or whatever. Nevermind, I am grateful Eva can go.
It was a l.o.n.g. long weekend and I am pooped. Hopefully I will regain my pep tomorrow. Hope you are all having a great week.
9 responses to “Plodding Along”
I am certainly feeling the stress of all this uncertainty. It creeps up on me. Best I keep busy – right. Take care of yourself and be safe. Enjoy the pool. That sounds like wonderful diversion for Eva. Kids do love water!
I am certainly feeling the stress of all this uncertainty. It creeps up on me. Best I keep busy – right. Take care of yourself and be safe. Enjoy the pool. That sounds like wonderful diversion for Eva. Kids do love water!
I am certainly feeling the stress of all this uncertainty. It creeps up on me. Best I keep busy – right. Take care of yourself and be safe. Enjoy the pool. That sounds like wonderful diversion for Eva. Kids do love water!
The pool situation is sort of good news/bad news, isn’t it? At least, as you said, Eva can go swimming this summer! I fixed the ham & potato soup yesterday. It was delicious & will definitely find a place on our winter soup recipe list! Stay well!
The pool situation is sort of good news/bad news, isn’t it? At least, as you said, Eva can go swimming this summer! I fixed the ham & potato soup yesterday. It was delicious & will definitely find a place on our winter soup recipe list! Stay well!
The pool situation is sort of good news/bad news, isn’t it? At least, as you said, Eva can go swimming this summer! I fixed the ham & potato soup yesterday. It was delicious & will definitely find a place on our winter soup recipe list! Stay well!
Maybe you should suggest reservation times, that would keep things a lot more orderly and sane! Love the block.
Maybe you should suggest reservation times, that would keep things a lot more orderly and sane! Love the block.
Maybe you should suggest reservation times, that would keep things a lot more orderly and sane! Love the block.