Whatever Can Be Happening Here?


I got up yesterday morning with the intention of getting back to Courthouse Steps and finishing my last few blocks.  My mistake was checking my blog feed and seeing so many posts from quilters who are making pink quilts this month.  Hmmm.  Did I have any pink fabric?  Why yes, I did.  Maybe I should make a pink project too.   Heaven forbid I would miss an opportunity to use my stash and make something cute.

After a bit of rummaging, I found not only a package of pink and brown fabrics, but a little pattern to go with those fabrics.  I spent yesterday making loads of half square triangles.  What am I doing?  Well, you just have to wait and see!  There are no hints in the photo above, I just scrounged around and found some pink things to look pretty in the picture.  lol

27 responses to “Whatever Can Be Happening Here?”

  1. I’ll be using pink too…to patch a quilt that our puppies got ahold of. My husband turned his back for 30 seconds & they got the quilt my sister made 45 years ago. Oh well. At least it’s scrappy!! Off to look for pink to patch it up!

  2. I’ll be using pink too…to patch a quilt that our puppies got ahold of. My husband turned his back for 30 seconds & they got the quilt my sister made 45 years ago. Oh well. At least it’s scrappy!! Off to look for pink to patch it up!

  3. I’ll be using pink too…to patch a quilt that our puppies got ahold of. My husband turned his back for 30 seconds & they got the quilt my sister made 45 years ago. Oh well. At least it’s scrappy!! Off to look for pink to patch it up!

  4. lol…I’m easily distracted by ‘shiny new projects’ too. ;p
    can’t wait to see what you’re making!

  5. lol…I’m easily distracted by ‘shiny new projects’ too. ;p
    can’t wait to see what you’re making!

  6. lol…I’m easily distracted by ‘shiny new projects’ too. ;p
    can’t wait to see what you’re making!