I spent the entire day, I mean the ENTIRE day yesterday, experimenting with various applique techniques. I had a basic pattern from Moda Bake Shop, for a 4.5 inch block unit that I was using for a template.
And here's my issue. The orange peel section is too big for the 4.5 inch square. There isn't enough seam allowance to sew it to another block.
I got out my June Tailor plastic template. Beautiful. From what I read, the tip to tip measurement of the orange peel unit should fit perfectly on a square one half inch larger. I thought I had it all figured out, but this is the result:
Seam allowance too big. I must have figured wrong. Also, making these 4.5 inch square units was making me crazy because the orange peel section wasn't lining up just right to match the others.
I decided to use one consistent background square so I could more successfully match up those points that come together in the center.
Whew, that is so much better. Ferrgetabout scrappy backgrounds. Not doing it.
I am still not sure if my template for the "peels" is the right size. It seems to me if it were 1/16th or 1/8th inch smaller, things would be better. But that would be a weird measurement.
I am not kidding, I tried about a dozen applique methods, trying to decide did I want to do this on the machine or by hand. I used starch, I used glue (huge messes with both), I did freezer paper, double freezer paper, tracing a template and drawing a line on the right side of the fabric, using fusible interfacing, using fusible interfacing with the center trimmed out (what a waste of fusible), using machine applique with freezer paper and having to slash the back of the unit to yank out the freezer paper (HATED that method the most), and who knows what else. I did it on the machine, with a zig zag stitch and with a blanket stitch. I did it by hand. I tell you, I could have half an orange peel quilt made with all the experimenting I did yesteray.
Here are my conclusions at this moment in time–the method I prefer to use for applique is simple needle turn. You trace your template on the right side of the fabric, stick it to your background with glue or pins and start sewing. No starch, no mess. No hours and hours and hours of prep. No wrecked manicure. And you get to sit down and start sewing right away. And if your thread matches your applique piece well, your stitches are invisible. Stitching the blocks is so quick with this simple shape. FIve to ten minutes per unit. By hand!
What I am not sure about is what template to use. With this block, you want your seam allowance to be just so, and I am not entirely satisfied with my results. I guess my final results are close to a quarter inch, but it would be nice to have just a teensy bit more room for play.
Any of you out there who are using an Orange Peel template–what is working for you?
So I am up at the crack of dawn continuing the experiment and using your tips, and here's what works–
Make my scrappy background squares 4 3/4" instead of 4 1/2". Now my template fits better. Sew four scrapy background squares together. Mark a dot 1/4" in from each corner. Do needle turn applique and everything comes out great!
These pieces aren't stitched down, but you can see they will fit on the backgrounds much better. Brilliant advice everyone, thanks! I went through almost an entire charm pack with this experiement and was afraid I had had enough of my Orange Peel experience, but now I am raring to go on a real project!
51 responses to “Oh Dear, Which Way To Go?”
Perhaps you could sew a scrappy background of four squares together first and then do the appliqué. You might be able to get the appliqué just right that way while still having the scrappy background. Good luck.
Perhaps you could sew a scrappy background of four squares together first and then do the appliqué. You might be able to get the appliqué just right that way while still having the scrappy background. Good luck.
Perhaps you could sew a scrappy background of four squares together first and then do the appliqué. You might be able to get the appliqué just right that way while still having the scrappy background. Good luck.
Oh, boy! Thanks for sharing your experience. I will refer back to this when I get closer to starting my project.
Oh, boy! Thanks for sharing your experience. I will refer back to this when I get closer to starting my project.
Oh, boy! Thanks for sharing your experience. I will refer back to this when I get closer to starting my project.
In my humble opinion, I think your blocks look really good. You can’t have much more than that quarter inch or they won’t meet together in the middle which is what you want to happen. Some people put a button in the center of each block which is another option and they do look pretty darn cute. Love the scrappiness! Have fun with these. they do go fast if they are prepped. After looking at all the Orange peels on Pinterst I was on overload! Just beautiful quilts. Sew on Nicole!
In my humble opinion, I think your blocks look really good. You can’t have much more than that quarter inch or they won’t meet together in the middle which is what you want to happen. Some people put a button in the center of each block which is another option and they do look pretty darn cute. Love the scrappiness! Have fun with these. they do go fast if they are prepped. After looking at all the Orange peels on Pinterst I was on overload! Just beautiful quilts. Sew on Nicole!
In my humble opinion, I think your blocks look really good. You can’t have much more than that quarter inch or they won’t meet together in the middle which is what you want to happen. Some people put a button in the center of each block which is another option and they do look pretty darn cute. Love the scrappiness! Have fun with these. they do go fast if they are prepped. After looking at all the Orange peels on Pinterst I was on overload! Just beautiful quilts. Sew on Nicole!
Mercy! I’m exhausted just be reading all you tried yesterday!
I was going to suggest you cut your squares a convenient size, do the applique so it’s the right distance from one corner, then after finishing the applique, trim the rest of the block to give you those proper seam allowances. Chris’s suggestion sounds good, so that might be better.
Makes you wonder how all those folks on Pinterest plowed thru this project – or what they settled with that looks great anyway?!
Mercy! I’m exhausted just be reading all you tried yesterday!
I was going to suggest you cut your squares a convenient size, do the applique so it’s the right distance from one corner, then after finishing the applique, trim the rest of the block to give you those proper seam allowances. Chris’s suggestion sounds good, so that might be better.
Makes you wonder how all those folks on Pinterest plowed thru this project – or what they settled with that looks great anyway?!
Mercy! I’m exhausted just be reading all you tried yesterday!
I was going to suggest you cut your squares a convenient size, do the applique so it’s the right distance from one corner, then after finishing the applique, trim the rest of the block to give you those proper seam allowances. Chris’s suggestion sounds good, so that might be better.
Makes you wonder how all those folks on Pinterest plowed thru this project – or what they settled with that looks great anyway?!
I agree with Chris. I would sew 4 squares together then appliqué. I feel your pain on all those methods and I agree in the end simple needle turn is the easiest! It will be beautiful when completed and you always do that! Go girl!
I agree with Chris. I would sew 4 squares together then appliqué. I feel your pain on all those methods and I agree in the end simple needle turn is the easiest! It will be beautiful when completed and you always do that! Go girl!
I agree with Chris. I would sew 4 squares together then appliqué. I feel your pain on all those methods and I agree in the end simple needle turn is the easiest! It will be beautiful when completed and you always do that! Go girl!
I agree with your thoughts on the template. It is definitely “tight”. After thinking on it a bit I decided I had to mark my corners at the 1/4″ line to avoid sewing too close or too far from it (not that you could really do the later since the piece barely fit).
I took a small ruler and put the edge against the corner of the background and put a small dot at the 1/4″ intersection (similar to the process I use on the corner of my quilts when I’m attaching my bindings). That gave me a guide and I was able to align the piece to that dot.
You could also make the background larger as Barbara Anne suggested, but I do anything to avoid trimming if I don’t have to. 🙂
I agree with your thoughts on the template. It is definitely “tight”. After thinking on it a bit I decided I had to mark my corners at the 1/4″ line to avoid sewing too close or too far from it (not that you could really do the later since the piece barely fit).
I took a small ruler and put the edge against the corner of the background and put a small dot at the 1/4″ intersection (similar to the process I use on the corner of my quilts when I’m attaching my bindings). That gave me a guide and I was able to align the piece to that dot.
You could also make the background larger as Barbara Anne suggested, but I do anything to avoid trimming if I don’t have to. 🙂
I agree with your thoughts on the template. It is definitely “tight”. After thinking on it a bit I decided I had to mark my corners at the 1/4″ line to avoid sewing too close or too far from it (not that you could really do the later since the piece barely fit).
I took a small ruler and put the edge against the corner of the background and put a small dot at the 1/4″ intersection (similar to the process I use on the corner of my quilts when I’m attaching my bindings). That gave me a guide and I was able to align the piece to that dot.
You could also make the background larger as Barbara Anne suggested, but I do anything to avoid trimming if I don’t have to. 🙂
Thanks Nicole, for going through all the grist on the “peels.” Didn’t know there was so much to consider so I appreciate your labor and sharing the choices to be made. All those orange peel quilts on pinterest sure look cute.
Thanks Nicole, for going through all the grist on the “peels.” Didn’t know there was so much to consider so I appreciate your labor and sharing the choices to be made. All those orange peel quilts on pinterest sure look cute.
Thanks Nicole, for going through all the grist on the “peels.” Didn’t know there was so much to consider so I appreciate your labor and sharing the choices to be made. All those orange peel quilts on pinterest sure look cute.
Sometimes you just have to sleep on things & then you figure them out! Your quilt is going to be great!
Sometimes you just have to sleep on things & then you figure them out! Your quilt is going to be great!
Sometimes you just have to sleep on things & then you figure them out! Your quilt is going to be great!
Glad you figured it out! Your edges look so crisp with needle turn, are you finger pressing before you stitch or do you just turn it under as you go? Can’t wait to see it progress 🙂
Glad you figured it out! Your edges look so crisp with needle turn, are you finger pressing before you stitch or do you just turn it under as you go? Can’t wait to see it progress 🙂
Glad you figured it out! Your edges look so crisp with needle turn, are you finger pressing before you stitch or do you just turn it under as you go? Can’t wait to see it progress 🙂
Oh dear, you’ve got my mind spinning. I knew there was an Orange Peel block in my future before your posts (I have a copy of that awesome Playful Petals book— oh swoon!!!!!) and now I really want to get on it! Might be fun to try needle turn with that shape. The points make me nervous, though. Also, I don’t know what you mean by marking a quarter inch from the corner…. for what? The seam when you sew the blocks together or to make the point of the peel shape? Thanks for any clarification you can give!! 🙂
Oh dear, you’ve got my mind spinning. I knew there was an Orange Peel block in my future before your posts (I have a copy of that awesome Playful Petals book— oh swoon!!!!!) and now I really want to get on it! Might be fun to try needle turn with that shape. The points make me nervous, though. Also, I don’t know what you mean by marking a quarter inch from the corner…. for what? The seam when you sew the blocks together or to make the point of the peel shape? Thanks for any clarification you can give!! 🙂
Oh dear, you’ve got my mind spinning. I knew there was an Orange Peel block in my future before your posts (I have a copy of that awesome Playful Petals book— oh swoon!!!!!) and now I really want to get on it! Might be fun to try needle turn with that shape. The points make me nervous, though. Also, I don’t know what you mean by marking a quarter inch from the corner…. for what? The seam when you sew the blocks together or to make the point of the peel shape? Thanks for any clarification you can give!! 🙂
damn! i never would have thought to sew a 4 patch first and THEN applique pieces down! makes perfect sense. your readers are AWESOME! ;p
damn! i never would have thought to sew a 4 patch first and THEN applique pieces down! makes perfect sense. your readers are AWESOME! ;p
damn! i never would have thought to sew a 4 patch first and THEN applique pieces down! makes perfect sense. your readers are AWESOME! ;p
What an ordeal…making me tired thinking about an orange peel. 🙂
Thanks for sharing your work and progress. Did you dream about orange peels? I probably will now. Ha ha
What an ordeal…making me tired thinking about an orange peel. 🙂
Thanks for sharing your work and progress. Did you dream about orange peels? I probably will now. Ha ha
What an ordeal…making me tired thinking about an orange peel. 🙂
Thanks for sharing your work and progress. Did you dream about orange peels? I probably will now. Ha ha
Hi Nicole, I’m really glad to hear you solved your problem. I do, however, have serious doubts about that formula you shared, ‘tip to tip measurement of the orange peel unit should fit perfectly on a square one half inch larger.’ In your case the orange peel unit is supposed to fit on a 4″ finished square. The diagonal of that 4″ square would be the exakt measurement tip to tip of your orange peel. Following old Pythagoras’ Theorem this diagonal is √32 (4 squared = 16 plus again 4 sqared = 16). √32 is 5.65685424949 – really difficult to measure in fractions of inches with a ruler. BUT: a 5 1/2″ tip to tip orange peel should fit nicely with about 1/8″ wiggle room. (Following your formula for a 5 1/2″ orange peel you would have to start with a 6″ square!?)
Not trying to confuse you but prevent others from following this formula which would result in an unnecessary waste of all that precious fabric.
Now carry on with your good work 😉 – I can hardly wait to see your progress.
Hi Nicole, I’m really glad to hear you solved your problem. I do, however, have serious doubts about that formula you shared, ‘tip to tip measurement of the orange peel unit should fit perfectly on a square one half inch larger.’ In your case the orange peel unit is supposed to fit on a 4″ finished square. The diagonal of that 4″ square would be the exakt measurement tip to tip of your orange peel. Following old Pythagoras’ Theorem this diagonal is √32 (4 squared = 16 plus again 4 sqared = 16). √32 is 5.65685424949 – really difficult to measure in fractions of inches with a ruler. BUT: a 5 1/2″ tip to tip orange peel should fit nicely with about 1/8″ wiggle room. (Following your formula for a 5 1/2″ orange peel you would have to start with a 6″ square!?)
Not trying to confuse you but prevent others from following this formula which would result in an unnecessary waste of all that precious fabric.
Now carry on with your good work 😉 – I can hardly wait to see your progress.
Hi Nicole, I’m really glad to hear you solved your problem. I do, however, have serious doubts about that formula you shared, ‘tip to tip measurement of the orange peel unit should fit perfectly on a square one half inch larger.’ In your case the orange peel unit is supposed to fit on a 4″ finished square. The diagonal of that 4″ square would be the exakt measurement tip to tip of your orange peel. Following old Pythagoras’ Theorem this diagonal is √32 (4 squared = 16 plus again 4 sqared = 16). √32 is 5.65685424949 – really difficult to measure in fractions of inches with a ruler. BUT: a 5 1/2″ tip to tip orange peel should fit nicely with about 1/8″ wiggle room. (Following your formula for a 5 1/2″ orange peel you would have to start with a 6″ square!?)
Not trying to confuse you but prevent others from following this formula which would result in an unnecessary waste of all that precious fabric.
Now carry on with your good work 😉 – I can hardly wait to see your progress.
First – the ‘sew the 4 patch first’ thing seems so obvious once someone else mentions it! I have done a small orange peel project and I enjoyed the freezer paper/starch method and then I top stitched the peels down by machine. I liked it personally even with the prep time. I followed the pattern by The Crafter Quilter called “Winter Seeds” and posted about it on my blog … but the points for mine intentionally didn’t come together at the center. You seem to like needle-turn, so more power to you! Have fun! Jennifer
First – the ‘sew the 4 patch first’ thing seems so obvious once someone else mentions it! I have done a small orange peel project and I enjoyed the freezer paper/starch method and then I top stitched the peels down by machine. I liked it personally even with the prep time. I followed the pattern by The Crafter Quilter called “Winter Seeds” and posted about it on my blog … but the points for mine intentionally didn’t come together at the center. You seem to like needle-turn, so more power to you! Have fun! Jennifer
First – the ‘sew the 4 patch first’ thing seems so obvious once someone else mentions it! I have done a small orange peel project and I enjoyed the freezer paper/starch method and then I top stitched the peels down by machine. I liked it personally even with the prep time. I followed the pattern by The Crafter Quilter called “Winter Seeds” and posted about it on my blog … but the points for mine intentionally didn’t come together at the center. You seem to like needle-turn, so more power to you! Have fun! Jennifer
OMG! I just went back to look at my post and pictures and realized that my orange peels WERE suppose to connect in the center. Now my table topper just looks wrong. So wrong. I guess I’ll have to make another and try again. Thanks for your tips – looks like I’ll make use of them.
OMG! I just went back to look at my post and pictures and realized that my orange peels WERE suppose to connect in the center. Now my table topper just looks wrong. So wrong. I guess I’ll have to make another and try again. Thanks for your tips – looks like I’ll make use of them.
OMG! I just went back to look at my post and pictures and realized that my orange peels WERE suppose to connect in the center. Now my table topper just looks wrong. So wrong. I guess I’ll have to make another and try again. Thanks for your tips – looks like I’ll make use of them.
I buy 8×11 shipping labels at staples
run them through the printer – use photocopier to get as many templates on each sheet as possible
cut out the templates
stick a sticker on the coloured fabric
cut around leaving seam allowance
trace a template on the back of your background – I would glue a photocopy to sandpaper and cut it out (won’t stretch as much)
put a pin at each end – make sure it lines up with pencil template on the back
pin through seam allowance (not through stickers)
needle turn to the edge of the sticker
I buy 8×11 shipping labels at staples
run them through the printer – use photocopier to get as many templates on each sheet as possible
cut out the templates
stick a sticker on the coloured fabric
cut around leaving seam allowance
trace a template on the back of your background – I would glue a photocopy to sandpaper and cut it out (won’t stretch as much)
put a pin at each end – make sure it lines up with pencil template on the back
pin through seam allowance (not through stickers)
needle turn to the edge of the sticker
I buy 8×11 shipping labels at staples
run them through the printer – use photocopier to get as many templates on each sheet as possible
cut out the templates
stick a sticker on the coloured fabric
cut around leaving seam allowance
trace a template on the back of your background – I would glue a photocopy to sandpaper and cut it out (won’t stretch as much)
put a pin at each end – make sure it lines up with pencil template on the back
pin through seam allowance (not through stickers)
needle turn to the edge of the sticker
I have a suggestion I used on many Dear Jane blocks. They were 4-1/2″ finished. I cut a piece of freezer paper 5″x5″ and ironed it to the back of a background piece. Then when the colored applique petal is placed on it for needle-turn or other applique method the paper helped the background not scrunch up on me as much and gave me a little something to hold onto. The needle glances off the freezer paper as the stitches are made.
I have a suggestion I used on many Dear Jane blocks. They were 4-1/2″ finished. I cut a piece of freezer paper 5″x5″ and ironed it to the back of a background piece. Then when the colored applique petal is placed on it for needle-turn or other applique method the paper helped the background not scrunch up on me as much and gave me a little something to hold onto. The needle glances off the freezer paper as the stitches are made.
I have a suggestion I used on many Dear Jane blocks. They were 4-1/2″ finished. I cut a piece of freezer paper 5″x5″ and ironed it to the back of a background piece. Then when the colored applique petal is placed on it for needle-turn or other applique method the paper helped the background not scrunch up on me as much and gave me a little something to hold onto. The needle glances off the freezer paper as the stitches are made.