Blogger Girls BOM Month Six


It doesn't seem possible, but month six in the Blogger Girls BOM program is here already.  My two blocks did come out quite different looking, which is good.  I started with the variation block (pictured on the bottom), because I was really challenged by the difficulty of making sure I cut out the right fabrics in the right sizes.  Sometimes these things take me awhile to puzzle out.  I left off the corner thingys, because I preferred the clean look of the background fabric surrounding the design.


Here are all twelve blocks.  When you make two a month, you have them done before you know it.  Practically painless.

Our final reveal of our finished quilt tops is scheduled for July 1.

Go have a look at some of the others who are participating in this sew along:

Sherri from A Quilting Life –
Thelma from Cupcakes ‘n Daisies ~
Lissa from Moda  Lissa  ~
Denise from Quilter’s  Window ~ 

Lisa from Stashmaster ~

20 responses to “Blogger Girls BOM Month Six”

  1. I love these blocks and will be-bop over to get the pattern. Love the look of all 12 blocks, too.
    Getting to visit the links you’ve provided is like going to a small, interesting quilt show!

  2. I love these blocks and will be-bop over to get the pattern. Love the look of all 12 blocks, too.
    Getting to visit the links you’ve provided is like going to a small, interesting quilt show!

  3. I love your blocks Nicole! Your choice of fabrics and placement was perfect! I think I may have to make one!

  4. I love your blocks Nicole! Your choice of fabrics and placement was perfect! I think I may have to make one!

  5. Wow! That sure went fast!! Two blocks a month are very do-able! Can’t wait to see the finished tops because they’re all different, but all the same!! Really fun!

  6. Wow! That sure went fast!! Two blocks a month are very do-able! Can’t wait to see the finished tops because they’re all different, but all the same!! Really fun!

  7. I look forward to seeing your finished quilt. I like block 6 best and am thinking of doing a quilt of just that block.

  8. I look forward to seeing your finished quilt. I like block 6 best and am thinking of doing a quilt of just that block.

  9. I love your fabric choice for this quilt, Nicole. Your blocks are looking great. I love how your variation just has background fabric surrounding. It looks more clean and uncluttered. Can’t wait to see them finished.

  10. I love your fabric choice for this quilt, Nicole. Your blocks are looking great. I love how your variation just has background fabric surrounding. It looks more clean and uncluttered. Can’t wait to see them finished.

  11. You did such a great job of showing two different blocks with fabric placement! Love them 🙂

  12. You did such a great job of showing two different blocks with fabric placement! Love them 🙂