Thanks For All the Good Wishes


Thanks so much for all the good wishes on my surgery yesterday.  I feel very blessed to have such wonderful friends in Blogland!

The doctor says the surgery went very well.  A great success.

I say maybe so, but my gosh, my entire face, including my teeth hurt.  Good thing for vicodin.  This should just last for the first 24 hours they tell me.  I sure hope so!

Happy Valentine's Day Friends, and I will talk to you Monday.

42 responses to “Thanks For All the Good Wishes”

  1. ohhhhhhhhhhhh Vicodin . . . best drug ever invented . . .
    keeping you in my thoughts . . . hope you have a pain free weekend . . .

  2. ohhhhhhhhhhhh Vicodin . . . best drug ever invented . . .
    keeping you in my thoughts . . . hope you have a pain free weekend . . .

  3. After my husband’s sinus surgery there was a little bleeding – even with all the packing. His solution? Tampons up the nose. My daughters thought they were going to die of embarrassment. I laughed.

  4. After my husband’s sinus surgery there was a little bleeding – even with all the packing. His solution? Tampons up the nose. My daughters thought they were going to die of embarrassment. I laughed.

  5. Hi Nicole,
    I have been wondering how things went for you yesterday. Sorry to hear of so much discomfort. 🙁 That isn’t fun. Good news about the Dr.’s report though. That is encouraging.
    Take care and I hope you feel up to sewing soon.
    Beverly in WA

  6. Hi Nicole,
    I have been wondering how things went for you yesterday. Sorry to hear of so much discomfort. 🙁 That isn’t fun. Good news about the Dr.’s report though. That is encouraging.
    Take care and I hope you feel up to sewing soon.
    Beverly in WA

  7. Hi Nicole I am glad all went well for you.Get A bottle of Whisky And have A few Drams Then you will forget the pain LOL.
    Hugs Mary.

  8. Hi Nicole I am glad all went well for you.Get A bottle of Whisky And have A few Drams Then you will forget the pain LOL.
    Hugs Mary.

  9. Hi Nicole,
    Just a little note to say Hi and I hope you will be feeling your old/new self very soon.
    I am sorry you had so much discomfort. Take care.
    Beverly in WA

  10. Hi Nicole,
    Just a little note to say Hi and I hope you will be feeling your old/new self very soon.
    I am sorry you had so much discomfort. Take care.
    Beverly in WA

  11. P.S. I received the “Fit to be Geese ruler”. I am going to give it a whirl today. I am excited. I read through the directions and it looks like it will be a great help to get perfect flying geese! Thank you for telling about it.
    Beverly in WA

  12. P.S. I received the “Fit to be Geese ruler”. I am going to give it a whirl today. I am excited. I read through the directions and it looks like it will be a great help to get perfect flying geese! Thank you for telling about it.
    Beverly in WA