And Sophie Sleeps In


It has been raining cats and dogs, as they say.  Last night we had thunder, which is not at all common in our area.  Sophie did not like the rumbling one bit and cried and barked until we came and got her out of her crate and took her into our bed.  There goes a year of crate training.

She loved being in the bed with us, snuggled up in the quilt du jour, listening to the rain pelting down.  When I got up this morning she looked at me as if to say, "You have got to be kidding me.  I am no where near ready to get up".  So I let her stay put while I got dressed and it was time for me to go to work.


I call this her whale eye look.  She is really hoping that I will go away and leave her alone.  So I did.  It was a great day to sleep in.

20 responses to “And Sophie Sleeps In”

  1. OH…Sophie just stole my heart away this morning. Both of my furry girls sleep on the bed, always have. Sadie was badly abused and on a chain until she was 15 months old so we have always treated her especially tender. She is 5 now and still velcros herself to us at night. How can so much love be wrapped up in one little fur wrapped package. Then we double it with Friskie. Now about the ‘whale eye’ look. Oh my gosh, so cute. We call it their ‘I’m Invisible Eye’…they both act like if they don’t move anything but the eye, they are invisible and we won’t make them get down. Well, they are usually right. LOL. Severe thunderstorms are normal here in Utah and both of our pups get nervous so we try to comfort them the best we can. Even if it means giving up more of the bed than usual. Two adults, one king size bed and two small dogs equals about 10 inches on each edge of the bed left over for my hubby and I, and the dogs take up the rest. Thanks for sharing the adorable pictures Nicole. But…where is Ozzie?

  2. OH…Sophie just stole my heart away this morning. Both of my furry girls sleep on the bed, always have. Sadie was badly abused and on a chain until she was 15 months old so we have always treated her especially tender. She is 5 now and still velcros herself to us at night. How can so much love be wrapped up in one little fur wrapped package. Then we double it with Friskie. Now about the ‘whale eye’ look. Oh my gosh, so cute. We call it their ‘I’m Invisible Eye’…they both act like if they don’t move anything but the eye, they are invisible and we won’t make them get down. Well, they are usually right. LOL. Severe thunderstorms are normal here in Utah and both of our pups get nervous so we try to comfort them the best we can. Even if it means giving up more of the bed than usual. Two adults, one king size bed and two small dogs equals about 10 inches on each edge of the bed left over for my hubby and I, and the dogs take up the rest. Thanks for sharing the adorable pictures Nicole. But…where is Ozzie?

  3. I have followed your blog for several months and enjoy seeing all your projects and your sense of humor. But, I’m glad to see photos of the pupper dogs! That’s my favorite part of your blog.
    Have a great day!

  4. I have followed your blog for several months and enjoy seeing all your projects and your sense of humor. But, I’m glad to see photos of the pupper dogs! That’s my favorite part of your blog.
    Have a great day!

  5. Oh, Nicole, I’ve seen exactly that same look from my Welsh. And yesterday with her in the middle of the fabric……..exactly. I can not put a quilt on the floor without my Bear being in the middle of it shortly. What fun and joy these dogs bring.

  6. Oh, Nicole, I’ve seen exactly that same look from my Welsh. And yesterday with her in the middle of the fabric……..exactly. I can not put a quilt on the floor without my Bear being in the middle of it shortly. What fun and joy these dogs bring.

  7. Time for me to get caught up again….and I see Sophie has a new angle…LOL. So cute, how could anyone resist?

  8. Time for me to get caught up again….and I see Sophie has a new angle…LOL. So cute, how could anyone resist?