They Missed Daddy


My husband has been away this week on vacation in Palm Desert.  We have a time share down there and have weeks of vacation in the bank with Interval International.  I couldn't take time off from my new job and we didn't want to lose our week, so my husband went on his own, leaving me in charge of Ozzie and Sophie.  He left me a detailed list of instructions on how to care for the dogs each day and just as important, a lengthy discourse on how to tend to the lawn and garden in his absence.  Part of my duties were to hand water a gazillion rose buses and potted plants.  His last words to me as he drove off were "Oh, watch out for Sophie, she really loves to play in the water while you are watering….You might want to tie her up……"

Talk about an understatement.  Sophie is insane about water and getting wet.  She is a total water baby.  As I was trying to lug the hose around to do the watering, she capered about trying to bite the water as it came out of the hose, darting through the stream of water, pitching herself onto the wet grass as if it were a Slip N' Slide.  It was pretty funny to watch, actually, and I had to laugh to see her simple enjoyment.  I'm not sure how thoroughly the watering got done, but we did have a good time.  The picture above shows her victorious after the battle with the hose.


Both the dogs misbehaved the entire time my husband was away.  I let them sleep with me one night, and when I was deep asleep they got into the Kleenex and shredded an entire box. When I woke up it looked like it had snowed in the bedroom.  Has any one else been TP'd by their own dogs?  One of them chewed the fringe on the new throw rug I bought to cover the stains on the family room rug, another of them (or, just maybe the same culprit) chewed the wicker basket I keep magazines in.  I took Ozzie for a ride in the car to the drugstore with me (Sophie gets car sick, so she had to stay home), and when we got home, he got away from me and I had to get back in the car and chase him down three blocks away.  I tried to sweep the patio and you can see that they got the broom away from me.  Bad dogs, both of them.

By some stroke of amazing good luck, my husband came home on Wednesday, rather than Saturday when he was expected.  He claimed going on vacation wasn't as much fun on his own.  Truly, I think he missed Ozzie and Sophie.  Thank goodness.

26 responses to “They Missed Daddy”

  1. Your comment reminded me of a dog I had years ago that got terribly car sick. I broke her of it by driving her around the block every night when I got home from work. Every few days I increased the distance until she got over it.

  2. Your comment reminded me of a dog I had years ago that got terribly car sick. I broke her of it by driving her around the block every night when I got home from work. Every few days I increased the distance until she got over it.

  3. My cat Gomez loves to TP the house! He loves to pull Kleenexes out of the box and shred them all over the place. I now keep the box turned upside down because you can’t blow your nose with confetti. Life would be so boring without pets!

  4. My cat Gomez loves to TP the house! He loves to pull Kleenexes out of the box and shred them all over the place. I now keep the box turned upside down because you can’t blow your nose with confetti. Life would be so boring without pets!

  5. Your Cute little Babies They will grow Out of the puppy stage then the will be good little doggies just wait and see but in the mean time just keep picking up the bits of chewed carpet and whatever else they chew up LOL.
    Hugs Mary.

  6. Your Cute little Babies They will grow Out of the puppy stage then the will be good little doggies just wait and see but in the mean time just keep picking up the bits of chewed carpet and whatever else they chew up LOL.
    Hugs Mary.

  7. My bathroom had been tp’d by a cat. One of our cats discovered that if you put your front paws on the roll of tp and start running you can get the entire roll onto the floor. We now put the tp on the roller coming from underneath instead of over the top.

  8. My bathroom had been tp’d by a cat. One of our cats discovered that if you put your front paws on the roll of tp and start running you can get the entire roll onto the floor. We now put the tp on the roller coming from underneath instead of over the top.

  9. I love your Sophie and Ozzie tales! Chicca, my cat, loves to toilet paper the bathroom when she gets upset with me for whatever reason. LOL. Dodger she loves to play with the hose in the same way and plays the vicious brute with the broom also. It is such fun to have animals with such great personalities!

  10. I love your Sophie and Ozzie tales! Chicca, my cat, loves to toilet paper the bathroom when she gets upset with me for whatever reason. LOL. Dodger she loves to play with the hose in the same way and plays the vicious brute with the broom also. It is such fun to have animals with such great personalities!

  11. OMG Nicole they are just too funny…my boys tend to be “not on there best behavior” when dad’s gone too. They just must know! LOL!

  12. OMG Nicole they are just too funny…my boys tend to be “not on there best behavior” when dad’s gone too. They just must know! LOL!

  13. Oh my! I had to laugh, because I go through all sorts of fun(?) antics with our 4-legged kids when Daddy’s gone, too! Why is it when the men are home, the furry children aren’t nearly so naughty?

  14. Oh my! I had to laugh, because I go through all sorts of fun(?) antics with our 4-legged kids when Daddy’s gone, too! Why is it when the men are home, the furry children aren’t nearly so naughty?

  15. Water, water, everywhere, that’s my terrier’s mantra. He bolts into the bathroom and throws back the shower curtain. He’s my shower buddy. I tried the “bad dog” thing (and truth be told, I could lock the door), but it turns out to be too much fun for the both of us. I’ve given up on having a spotless bathroom and have settled for loads of laughs.

  16. Water, water, everywhere, that’s my terrier’s mantra. He bolts into the bathroom and throws back the shower curtain. He’s my shower buddy. I tried the “bad dog” thing (and truth be told, I could lock the door), but it turns out to be too much fun for the both of us. I’ve given up on having a spotless bathroom and have settled for loads of laughs.