Jellystone AKA The Humility Block

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Remember old Yogi Bear from Jellystone Park?  "Hey Boo Boo!  I am smarter than the averrrr-age bear!"  "Hey Boo Boo!  Want to go on a piiiick-a-nick?"  Well, Carrie Nelson named one of the classes she taught us "Jellystone", because her new pattern features a variation of the classic Bear Paw block.  I can’t show you a photo of Carrie’s finished quilt, because it has not yet been published.  What I will do, however, is take you through a couple of construction elements that had me fairly confuzzled.

Now, you all know me as being a careful piecer.  I pride myself on my neat and accurate work.  Maybe I was star struck being in the same room as Carrie Nelson, maybe my girlfriend Lisa was distracting me, I don’t know.  The fact is, I have never had such a piecing fiasco in my life.  There are a number of ways one can go wrong putting the elements of this block together, and let me just say I am familiar with them all. 

Here is the first unit we were asked to assemble:


And this is how mine turned out:


All righty then.  Next, I show you a photo of one quarter of the finished bear paw block:


And this is my effort:


Of course just at the precise moment it is dawning on me that something is very weird with this block, Carrie strolls by my table, picks up the block and says sympathetically "Oh, Nicole.  This can be your humility block".  Suffice it to say, I felt a bit foolish.   Since I know I am smarter than the averrrr-age bear, I was sure I could get this thing right.  Humility block?  In MY quilt?  I don’t think so.  I am not having any humility blocks.

My silly mistakes did provoke a very funny discussion about finding a major construction mistake in a quilt that has been already quilted.  Carrie says that if you make a mistake and it accidently ends up in your quilt, it will always be exactly eye level in a hanging quilt, and exactly the first thing that anyone notices in it.  Carrie pointed out to us that in her new quilt Storyteller, there is a big boo boo in one of the block orientations.  Can you find it?  Even quilting Rock Stars make mistakes.


44 responses to “Jellystone AKA The Humility Block”

  1. Thoroughly enjoyed this post, Nicole. And did, indeed, LOL.
    Last winter I made a quilt, all hand buttonholed blocks, twelve months worth, primitive and cute. When it came back from the machine quilter, I then noticed that November’s block had been turned 90 degrees to the left. Gave it to the intended recipient nonetheless. Oddly, it is one of the few quilts I made that I gave away before getting the pictures developed, and the pic didn’t turn out, and there is no record of this humiliation! I actually wish there were.

  2. Thoroughly enjoyed this post, Nicole. And did, indeed, LOL.
    Last winter I made a quilt, all hand buttonholed blocks, twelve months worth, primitive and cute. When it came back from the machine quilter, I then noticed that November’s block had been turned 90 degrees to the left. Gave it to the intended recipient nonetheless. Oddly, it is one of the few quilts I made that I gave away before getting the pictures developed, and the pic didn’t turn out, and there is no record of this humiliation! I actually wish there were.

  3. Now who among us has not ever had a piecing fiasco!? Usually when one thing goes wrong it just snowballs–at least for me. The first boo-boo was funny, but the second one looks kind of neat. I would leave it in and ask people if they can spot it when the quilt is done.

  4. Now who among us has not ever had a piecing fiasco!? Usually when one thing goes wrong it just snowballs–at least for me. The first boo-boo was funny, but the second one looks kind of neat. I would leave it in and ask people if they can spot it when the quilt is done.

  5. Glad to know I’m not the only one that has a little difficulty from time to time in the construction stage. I thoroughly enjoyed this post! I’m curious to see the finished quilt. Hope you will share when you can so we can see it.

  6. Glad to know I’m not the only one that has a little difficulty from time to time in the construction stage. I thoroughly enjoyed this post! I’m curious to see the finished quilt. Hope you will share when you can so we can see it.

  7. Nicole, we’ve sure all be there. I always think it’s harder to concentrate in a class with everything going on…I love classes but get much more done in the quiet of home.

  8. Nicole, we’ve sure all be there. I always think it’s harder to concentrate in a class with everything going on…I love classes but get much more done in the quiet of home.

  9. LOL Nicole – it’s easy for me to get distracted with all that’s going on in a class setting. You are brave to share your Boo-Boos, but I’m sure now that you are home, the quilt will sail along with no mistakes!

  10. LOL Nicole – it’s easy for me to get distracted with all that’s going on in a class setting. You are brave to share your Boo-Boos, but I’m sure now that you are home, the quilt will sail along with no mistakes!

  11. Then there’s the story of finding a Boo-Boo (sorry couldn’t resist) right smack in the middle of your quilt top, ripping it out and sewing it together the very same way. grrrr
    Thanks for admitting that you’re human!

  12. Then there’s the story of finding a Boo-Boo (sorry couldn’t resist) right smack in the middle of your quilt top, ripping it out and sewing it together the very same way. grrrr
    Thanks for admitting that you’re human!

  13. Wow — your trip sounds like it was amazing! As for the humility block — um, I have a humility QUILT out there somewhere — no need for anymore blocks!!!
    Love your tales of your trip and can’t wait to see some of those fabric goodies you brought back!

  14. Wow — your trip sounds like it was amazing! As for the humility block — um, I have a humility QUILT out there somewhere — no need for anymore blocks!!!
    Love your tales of your trip and can’t wait to see some of those fabric goodies you brought back!

  15. Funny story, Nicole. It’s comforting to see that even YOU can make a piecing boo boo. (I make more than my share.) One of my favorite quilts, the one made from the blocks that guild members gave me at the end of my term as president, has a humility block in it, and I love it. I think I’ll do a blog post on that block. Thanks for the story.

  16. Funny story, Nicole. It’s comforting to see that even YOU can make a piecing boo boo. (I make more than my share.) One of my favorite quilts, the one made from the blocks that guild members gave me at the end of my term as president, has a humility block in it, and I love it. I think I’ll do a blog post on that block. Thanks for the story.

  17. Funny story, Nicole. It’s comforting to see that even YOU can make a piecing boo boo. (I make more than my share.) One of my favorite quilts, the one made from the blocks that guild members gave me at the end of my term as president, has a humility block in it, and I love it. I think I’ll do a blog post on that block. Thanks for the story.

  18. Funny story, Nicole. It’s comforting to see that even YOU can make a piecing boo boo. (I make more than my share.) One of my favorite quilts, the one made from the blocks that guild members gave me at the end of my term as president, has a humility block in it, and I love it. I think I’ll do a blog post on that block. Thanks for the story.

  19. the first quilt I made for my bed got quilted and was on the bed for at least a year before I realized that one of the blocks had a section turned wrong — it’s on my husband’s side! Now I have another giant quilt top all pieced and basted, ready to quilt… and I did the same damn thing! (I refuse to go to the trouble of un-pinning and ripping)

  20. the first quilt I made for my bed got quilted and was on the bed for at least a year before I realized that one of the blocks had a section turned wrong — it’s on my husband’s side! Now I have another giant quilt top all pieced and basted, ready to quilt… and I did the same damn thing! (I refuse to go to the trouble of un-pinning and ripping)

  21. I shouldn’t laugh..but I admit I did. I’ve had days like that too and it is usually when I distracted. I also found the mistake in Storyteller, glad to see it happens to the best of us.

  22. I shouldn’t laugh..but I admit I did. I’ve had days like that too and it is usually when I distracted. I also found the mistake in Storyteller, glad to see it happens to the best of us.

  23. Without a doubt, it was all Lisa’s fault that you kept making mistakes.
    On Saturday I made the January snowflake block for my Thimbleberries Month by Month quilt. Several years ago I made twelve of those blocks for a swap. Both my friend, Patty, and I had problems getting the four patch blocks in the corners going in the right directions. Well, you can believe that I was going to get it right THIS TIME! Wrong-o! I was certain that everything was going in the right direction BEFORE I started stitching. I have no idea how one of the 4 patches was turned in the wrong direction, but it was. No humility block in this quilt…I unpicked it. lol!

  24. Without a doubt, it was all Lisa’s fault that you kept making mistakes.
    On Saturday I made the January snowflake block for my Thimbleberries Month by Month quilt. Several years ago I made twelve of those blocks for a swap. Both my friend, Patty, and I had problems getting the four patch blocks in the corners going in the right directions. Well, you can believe that I was going to get it right THIS TIME! Wrong-o! I was certain that everything was going in the right direction BEFORE I started stitching. I have no idea how one of the 4 patches was turned in the wrong direction, but it was. No humility block in this quilt…I unpicked it. lol!

  25. LOL!!! I’m sorry but I was laughing when I scrolled down both times and saw your block. Were you drinking wine during class? I’m thinking you were BOO BOO. I say leave it in your quilt. I would. I did, I have a bear paw quilt I’ll show with my mistake.

  26. LOL!!! I’m sorry but I was laughing when I scrolled down both times and saw your block. Were you drinking wine during class? I’m thinking you were BOO BOO. I say leave it in your quilt. I would. I did, I have a bear paw quilt I’ll show with my mistake.

  27. Oh I’m with you on the humilty block. I would have had to fix it if I noticed it. There’s plenty that can get by without finding it, I can’t ignore something that I see. I have been enjoying your posts on the Buggy Barn – I really want to visit there soon. I love the Bella Rose sample quilt in your picture. Her patterns tho I must say -scare me, LOL. Not always easy ones to follow. I would have ALOT of humilty blocks 🙂
    Jellystone and Boo Boo bear sure take me back, thanks for reminding me of days gone by 🙂

  28. Oh I’m with you on the humilty block. I would have had to fix it if I noticed it. There’s plenty that can get by without finding it, I can’t ignore something that I see. I have been enjoying your posts on the Buggy Barn – I really want to visit there soon. I love the Bella Rose sample quilt in your picture. Her patterns tho I must say -scare me, LOL. Not always easy ones to follow. I would have ALOT of humilty blocks 🙂
    Jellystone and Boo Boo bear sure take me back, thanks for reminding me of days gone by 🙂

  29. I have to say, I always learn a lot coming here…your humility block gave me a good chuckle. If a “quilting pro” like you can make errors and be humbled by fixing them, then there’s hope for the rest of us too! Great piecing though! Somedays I feel lucky I can managed to sew two squares or rectangles together–LOL! :o)

  30. I have to say, I always learn a lot coming here…your humility block gave me a good chuckle. If a “quilting pro” like you can make errors and be humbled by fixing them, then there’s hope for the rest of us too! Great piecing though! Somedays I feel lucky I can managed to sew two squares or rectangles together–LOL! :o)

  31. I would leave it in the quilt, the block becomes a “point of interest”, adds “character” to your quilt. I’ve seen it done….really.

  32. I would leave it in the quilt, the block becomes a “point of interest”, adds “character” to your quilt. I’ve seen it done….really.

  33. And all this time I thought you were perfect! LOL! I keep thinking I am the only quilter who could do something like that, and I do it much more than I’d care to mention! You are a wonderful person to share your “boo boo blocks” with us, Nicole!

  34. And all this time I thought you were perfect! LOL! I keep thinking I am the only quilter who could do something like that, and I do it much more than I’d care to mention! You are a wonderful person to share your “boo boo blocks” with us, Nicole!

  35. You were having such a good time you are allowed to make mistakes we will forgive you the quilt will still look good when its finished your quilts always look great.

  36. You were having such a good time you are allowed to make mistakes we will forgive you the quilt will still look good when its finished your quilts always look great.

  37. I really love those humility blocks though – they have “something”! Would a quilt of just “wrong” blocks like that be cool!

  38. I really love those humility blocks though – they have “something”! Would a quilt of just “wrong” blocks like that be cool!