Halloween Party 2014
My family Halloween party was last weekend, and as usual, there were some pretty great costumes. A Geisha, Medusa, a Flapper, a Professor, a Referee, Ziggy Stardust, an African Potentate, an owl, and entire group who came to the party as The Farmers Wife and the Three Blind Mice. It was fun. My sisters and…
Fall Dinner
Nothing sewing related this week, but I do want to share with you one of my favorite fall dinners. The weather is finally starting to feel nippy and I have regretted not grabbing a sweater or jacket once I have dashed out the door on one errand or another. These two dishes, plus a veggie…
And the Rest of the Story
And as soon as my house was all cleaned and the fall decorations put out, Ozzie went outside and tried to make friends with a skunk. That didn't work out so well. Now, anyone who comes into the house is greeted by, well, the smell of skunk. Which predominates over anything else one might notice.…
Fall Is Here
I thought you might like a little tour around the house and porches. The decorating fairy has been busy around the place this week. The front porch. Outside dining table. Front entry table. Living room mantel. Dining room table. Sideboard. Kitchen vignette. I just have to show you my Spooky Canasta quilt one more time!…
Little Fall Place Mat
It is fall, Eva needed a new placemat, so here we are. I made it with a charm pack of Hello Fall (by Sandy Gervais for Moda) in no time flat. I pretty much made it up as I went along. Cut 2 1/2 inch squares to sew on the corners of four charm squares…
Where I Work Now
I have shared with you in the past the great sewing studio I had in my former house. The house itself wasn't so great by any means, but my husband sweetened the pot by promising me he would put in a perfect sewing studio in an outbuilding to the house. And he did. I…
Throwback Thursday
It's been a busy week, with my stash sale, mailing all the goodies out, and having to work two days. Consequently, I don't have anything quilty to blog about, because I have spent no time in the sewing room. I went way back in my archives, to July 2007 and found this post on decorating.…
I Have the World’s Most Annoying Dog
This makes a pretty perfect Wordless Wednesday post. It's for all of you who have been asking me for Ozzie updates. He certainly isn't maturing or mellowing out with age. I must say he makes me laugh.
Kaleidoscope Quilted
I am so thrilled with this quilt! It only has one major problem, and that is that I didn't make it twice as big. It was beautifully quilted by Mary of Quilt Hollow, and I don't think I could be any crazier about how it turned out. Zoom in if you can and take…
Closet Organizing
Well, this isn't actually my closet, but I did spend all day yesterday organizing my closet for the spring/summer season. The funny thing about any closet organizing photos you find on the internet, is that whose ever closet it is, it only seems to have maybe 24 clothing items. That definitely is not the case…