Summer Book Reviews
Can we just talk about Lucinda Riley? I am obsessed with her books. They are all big, fat, juicy family sagas, with compelling (and sometimes frustrating) main characters. Most of her books go between the present time and various periods in history. The Olive Tree is an exception, and takes place completely in the present…
Spring Book Reviews
It has been far too long since I have posted a book review. I know some of you enjoy hearing about what I have read and enjoyed (or not!), so over the next three blog posts I will give you some brief reviews of books I have read since last March. I am a voracious…
Worthwhile New Book
I picked up a new book recently that I wanted to share with you. If you enjoy Civil War Reproduction fabrics and quilt projects, I think you might really appreciate these books by Carol Hopkins. The first book I ordered was the most recent one, Civil War Legacies III. I enjoyed it so much I…
Good Reads and Some Not So Much
The following books are ones I enjoyed, but maybe are not the literary quality of the ones from yesterday's post. Lisa Gardner is a prolific author, whose books I am currently obsessing over. I started with her Detective D.D. Warren series and have read the following, one after the other: Alone, Hide, The Neighbor, Live…
Book Reviews Winter
I've read some really good books since the beginning of the year, and thought I would share my favorites with you. The books listed below were my absolute favorites. I joined the Book of the Month Club in February, and have been enjoying it so much. These days, you pre-pay for your year's membership (they…
Recent Books
This will be a longer post than usual. As you know, I am an avid reader and love to share some of the books I have enjoyed from time to time. If you are interested in hearing about some good books, grab yourself a cup of coffee and make yourself comfy for awhile! Girl Underwater…
The Block Tool
When I was trying to select a category for the post I was in a quandary. "Books"? "Blocks"? "Tools"? The little fan of wonderfulness above is all of those things. The pages are laminated and double sided, and contain instructions for making 102 rotary cut quilt blocks in 5 different sizes, from 3" on up.…
Retail Therapy
I ordered a couple of things from the Fatquartershop and when I took them out of the box I was so excited I took a couple of pictures to share with you. First up are refills for the Sewline glue pen I was telling you all about. Great for appliqué. Next is the Farmer's…
Three Months of Books
I read a lot, probably more than the average person. When I do my recaps of what I have been reading, I usually get positive comments, so I thought I would share with you what I have read since Christmas. First I will tell you about the books I liked and finished and finish up…
New Cookbook
I saw my sister T this past weekend. We are a bit of a bad influence on one another, I have to say. If I have something new, she wants it and if she has something new, I think I need to have it too. One of her new acquisitions is the cookbook you see…