More Jelly Roll Books and Patterns
Didn't we have a nice conversation about jelly rolls and sources for patterns and books to instruct us how to use them? Thank you so much to everyone who chimed in to mention their favorites. As far as I am concerned, I am flabbergasted that I neglected to mention Kim Brackett and her amazing books…
Jelly Rolls
Do you sew with Jelly Rolls very often? Ever? I have a collection of eight or ten jelly rolls and I just do not know what to do with them. I thought we could chat in the comments about what sort of quilts some of us have made using this particular pre-cut. Others of you…
July Books, Part Two
The Beauty in Breaking by Michele Harper. Typically I love a medical memoir. However, this one really fell flat for me. The author is a black woman who has had some rough times in her past, which were alluded to, but not explored in any depth. She got through college, medical school, and her residency…
Books of July, Part One
I read twelve books in July, which was a terrific reading month for me. Twelve book reviews in one post is a lot to get through, so I am going to break up my reviews into Part One and Part Two. Here is my rating system: 5 Stars- amazing, incredible, highly recommend, will be thinking…
Books Read in June 2020
No, I didn't read all these. But I did read seven books in June and I will tell you about them shortly. First, I'd like to point out one of my favorite decorative pieces that my husband gave me a couple of Christmasses ago. This piece is by Houston Llew, an artist who paints with…
Giveaway Winner of Lori Holt’s Book “Farm Girl Vintage”
I am excited to share that Gail S. is the winner of the Lori Holt book "Farm Girl Vintage". The random number generator thing was used, and her comment was the number that came up. I hope she will enjoy the book, as I highly recommend it for the variety of patterns and remarkably clear…
Book Giveaway and Piecing the Past Update
In my recent sort out of the sewing room, I discovered that I had purchased this book twice. It is "Farm Girl Vintage" by Lori Holt. The book is full of great quilt block patterns, in sizes 6" or 12". I love it when books provide a size option. There are some cute novelty block…
Cabin Skein
This little mini quilt is called Cabin Skein. Designed by Carrie Nelson, her explanation for the name is that a group of flying geese is called a "skein". Since the quilt involves both Log Cabin Blocks and Flying Geese, she thought the name was appropriate. The pattern is in a book called Moda All Stars…
My Daughter the BookTuber
You all have heard of YouTube, right? Well, if you have a YouTube channel devoted to book reviews and book chats, you are called a BookTuber. And my daughter Sara just took the plunge and started her own channel! I invite you to go check her out, subscribe to her updates, and "like" her first…
May Reading Re-cap
I read quite a lot in the month of May. Twelve books total, which is a lot more than I have done in a great while. It seems my powers of concentration are back! I read 8 hardback books, one audio book and three books on my Kindle. So here is my take on them:…