Interesting Product and Give Away
I was sent this product, and agreed to do a review on it, a number of weeks ago. I have been so busy with the new job and trying to make baby quilts so my soon to be grand daughter has one for every day of the week (kind of kidding here), that I have…
Two of Things is Good
Well. Didn't we have ourselves a blogging brouhaha yesterday? If you missed it, just as well. All over now. Feathers are smoothed, tempers are cooled, and we are all getting back to our cheerful nice selves. I hope. But listen. Really. As much as we all love a spirited discussion, we have to be more…
Burp Cloths
Since this baby of ours has suddenly become much more Real, I have gotten cracking making some baby related items. I found the best tutorial for making burp cloths out of prefolded cloth diapers! I have to share it with you: Chickpea Sewing Studio. Check it out. I will be making these the next time…
Guys Like Zippy Bags Too
My son noticed every female we are related to or acquainted with received Terri Atikinson's Zippy Bags from me this Christmas. It took him awhile to say anything, but yesterday he said, "Ahem, Mom, you know those bags you have been making?" Turns out, he figured he could use a couple of them too! His…
I’m Woikin’ Here
I have been diligently slogging away on my little cosmetics bags. And they are so darn cute! In the photo above, you can see some of my recent finishes that are awaiting their embellishments. I am still not tired of making these. Each one is as much fun as the last. I am out of…
Bag Zipper Tutorial
Pat suggested that I do a tutorial on how to attach the zippers to the little bags I am making, and I thought it was a brilliant idea. I am not going to show you the details of the whole pattern, because I want you to buy it (Zippy Strippy by Atkinson Designs). However, the…
Cutest Cosmetics Bags Ever!
I had so much fun making this little bag! So much fun that I made another one! The pattern for the bags is one by Terri Atkinson called Zippy Strippy. It is so darn cute I can hardly stand it. Of course, the Bliss fabric I am using doesn't hurt as far as the cuteness…
Blueberry Mocha Trails
I've heard of Peppermint Mochas, Cinnamon Mochas, and Boozey Mochas. But Blueberry Mochas? Nope, never. Here is my version of a Blueberry Mocha, which is coming along nicely. I like how the caramel plays along so well with the chocolate. I loved reading the comments on yesterday's post. You guys are way more entertaining than…