It Looks Like We Need Hazmat
No, not really. No hazardous materials here. Just quilts, fabric and more fabric. Look, I have really reduced the number of boxes! Lots of unpacking going on here. And lots of evaluating. Do I really need to keep this if it doesn't make my heart sing? I think there will be some purging going on…
More Fabric Dreaminess
In my post yesterday, I neglected to link to Another Year of Schnibbles! Sherri at A Quilting Life: http://www.aquiltinglife.com/ and Sinta at Pink Pincushion: http://www.pinkpincushion.blogspot.com/ are the hosting this terrific sew along. ************************************************************************************************ Since I haven't been doing much sewing over the past few months, I haven't been doing much fabric purchasing either. I got…
I know, I am an Evil Temptress. Just look at that stack of deliciousness, will you? Pam Kitty Morning designed this gorgeous collection for LakeHouse Fabrics. LakeHouse Dry Goods is a fantastic fabric company and if you aren't familiar with them, you should definitely check out their designs. This is an enormous fabric collection, with…
My Shopping Cart Over Floweth (In My Dreams)
Don't know about you, but I have been drooling over the new fabrics that were presented at Market. I cannot wait to get my hands on some of these beautiful collections. Here are a few that I hope will make it into my shopping basket! This one below is Fa La La La La by…
Interesting Product and Give Away
I was sent this product, and agreed to do a review on it, a number of weeks ago. I have been so busy with the new job and trying to make baby quilts so my soon to be grand daughter has one for every day of the week (kind of kidding here), that I have…
Fabric Teasing
I have a new project getting started! I don't want to tell you too much about it right now, but you just wait until next week and I will be happy to share all! The fabric pictured above was purchased in Illinois last September when Lisa and Thelma and I met up to take a…
A New Project
I was planning on keeping this project a surprise, but I am just no good at that. How adorable is this fabric? It is a kit put together by the great folks at Prairie Queens, and when I saw it, I knew it needed to come home with me. They even fussy cut a big…
Picking Out Fabrics for Eventide
I know a number of you who would like to join in the Eventide Sew Along that Thelma has started up are feeling a bit overwhelmed about your fabric selection. I don't blame you! I have given that subject a great deal of thought myself, and thought I would share some of my ideas with…
Fooling Around
I spent Monday cleaning the house and organizing my closet. While I puttered, I kept thinking about making a little table topper for St. Patrick's Day. I knew just the pattern I wanted to use. Roundabout, a fun little Schnibbles pattern by Miss Rosie's Quilt Co. I had actually made this pattern last summer and…
Valentine to Myself
I should have been working on my Belle Meade blocks, but I got distracted. I was stitching away and found my mind wandering to the idea of making some sort of Valentine's themed table topper for my February tablescape. I had a vague recollection of having some red, pink and white fabric stashed away somewhere… …