Tagged–New Meme Game
Miss Jean, from In the Garden with Miss Jean tagged me to play a new Meme game. The idea is to come up with a six word quote that would serve as your memoir. This was harder than I thought it would be! istockphoto How about this quote from Helen Keller? "I never fight–except against…
It’s Coming Susan!
As you know, I had a blog give away a week ago, and Susan of Blackberry Creek was the winner. I am embarrassed to say that I have not yet put her quilt "Blogging Friendship" in the mail, because I am still sewing on the binding. Bad Nicole. I will get it done in the…
My Blogiversary is Today!
Well, girlfriends, the past year has been interesting, to say the least! As of today, February 12, 2008, I have been blogging for one year. 220 posts! My deepest gratitude to you all for sticking by me! So much has happened to me in the last year, I hardly know where to start. I had…
The Postman Always Rings Twice
Ding Dong. Ding Dong. Well, it wasn’t the postman, it was the Fed Ex guy, but he did ring twice. When I went to the door, he was staggering under the weight of a gigantic and heavy cardboard box that said JJill on the sides. Hmmm, I don’t remember ordering anything from JJill, but hey,…
Blogging Friends
My mailbox had a fun little treat for me last week. I have to walk a block down my street to get to my mailbox, so sometimes, especially if I am out and about or otherwise occupied, I don’t check it every day. Imagine my delight when I finally went to unload its bulging contents…
My Friend Mary
I have been blogging since this past February—not a very long time really. Over these six months however, I have made some truly wonderful blogging friends. One of them, Mary Wood, who lives in Australia, is a regular commenter on my posts. We have corresponded through email and have developed a blogging friendship. I have…