Inspiration, Where Have You Gone?
I have felt more or less paralyzed with ennui the past couple of days. After seeing that the house is tidied, the dishes done, Grandpa fed, and Ozzie walked, I find myself feeling at loose ends and terribly tired. Maybe it is the let down of having my son and his fiance return to Ireland. …
New Year, New Me
Here I am letting go of the past year. Letting it unfurl in the wind and blow away. That's what I love about the New Year. It is such a chance for new beginnings, new hopes and fresh starts. Without going into detail, let me just say the past year was too full of death…
Well, That Didn’t Go Well
Let me just say that I still think curved piecing is fabulous, and I am a huge admirer of anyone who can do it. It just turns out, I am not so good at it. I wasted a fair bit of time and fabric yesterday trying to make Winding Ways blocks. I made around seven…
iPod Woes
I have had my iPod for several years. There are more elaborate versions available now, but since mine is perfectly serviceable, I decided that I am not ready to upgrade at this time. So what's the problem? Well, when I got this iPod, I had a Mac computer. All my tunes were downloaded on this…
I Need a Vacation
I need a vacation. Some place warm. With a view of water. I am all ready to go. Cute tote bag? Check. White roll up cuff capris? Check. Honestly. It is so darn cold and windy around here, it isn't even funny any more. I want some sunshine. Temps at least somewhere in the 70's. …
It’s Not My Eye, It’s My Nose
Well. For goodness sake. I just got home from seeing the doctor, and the problem I have isn't with my eye, it is with my sinuses. I have chronic troubles there, and those issues can affect other nearby areas within the face. He says I have polyps in my sinus cavities, and that is causing…
Good Bornig
All I want to do is sew. I had an entire day all to myself yesterday, and what do you think happened? Yup, I woke up with a raging sore throat and a vicious cold. I spent almost the whole day in my bed. Sophie didn't get all her required exercise and attention and this…
Where Am I Going, and Why Am I In This Handbasket?
Where am I going, and why am I in this hand basket? I tell you, things are falling apart around here. The beds are unmade, the laundry is piling up, the dishwasher needs unloading, there are crumbs on the floor, and we are not even going to address the dust issue. So why can't I…
This Should Be Easier
Thanks for bearing with me while I make some changes to my page banner. I thought it was time for something more seasonal, but when I went to swap the old picture out with a new one, it turns out that I had forgotten exactly how to do it. If I ever did know. My…
Mother’s Little Helper
No, I am not referring to chardonnay, but some of you might argue with me about that. I really want to make more time in my day for doing the things that are important to me. I miss chatting with my friends, and I have missed reading books on a regular basis. But the thing…