Kill Me Now
This could be a wordless post, but of course I can't resist the opportunity to use words when I have the occasion. I just do not know what happened to me over the past two months. My asthma was acting up this winter, and I lost about 10 pounds. Bad about the asthma, hallelujah about…
Mixed Bag
My Easter weekend surely was a mixed bag. On the one hand, we had glorious weather. On the other, everything that could go wrong seemed to do that. This was supposed to be the big weekend to move Grandpa into a little cottage on the nearby golf course. He got through the day just fine,…
Do Not Try This At Home
Now this seemed like a really good idea at the time. A home waxing kit. You can save hundreds of dollars over time by doing your own waxing. Got a fuzzy chin? Zip it off in the privacy of your own home. Got a little mustache going on? Take care of it yourself and save…
Working From Home
I was not able to go to work today. On Friday I had an appointment with my doctor for my annual check up. I am doing pretty well–weight is acceptable, blood pressure a teensy bit high, and cholesterol needs attention. Nothing major. Lucky me. At the end of the appointment, my doctor said "You know,…