Can you guess in what place I am taking this picture? It is from the inside of this vintage travel trailer that was at the Buggy Barn quilt show! It was hard to get a good picture, due to all the people crowding around, trying to get inside for a look! It has been a…
Back to Work!
Ok, enough goofing around, shopping at the mall, and gazing vacantly into space. Time to get back to sewing! I have the day off for the most part today, and plan to put together some Dresden Plates. I love these pretty Fig Tree fabrics, and know my finished top will be so summery and vintagey. …
Barn Quilts for Your Home
When I was tearing through the Road to California quilt show in Ontario last week, my heart nearly stopped when I came upon something I have wanted my entire grown up life. A barn quilt. There was a booth,hosted by "Classic Metal Company", who had displayed heavy weight steel "barn quilt" blocks to use as…
Favorite Tools
There have been several discussions going on lately in Blogland about quilters' favorite tools, so I thought I would jump in with a list of mine. I tried to keep my list to ten items, but that was a lot harder than you would think! If you have any suggestions to add, by all means…
So, How About Them Buns, Honey?
I think it is time for a little reward to my blogging friends! There is much to celebrate in my life right now, and I can't think of a better way to express my gratitude than a little blog give away. Yes, my heart is becoming lighter as I imagine giving these little darlings…
Find the Pickle
It sounds kind of naughty, but seriously, this is a G Rated fun thing that we do in our family. Here is what Wikipedia has to say about the tradition: "The Christmas pickle is a pickle-shaped ornament hidden in the tree. The child who finds it first on Christmas morning receives an extra present.…
Sometimes Losing Your Memory Can Be Fun
While I was turning my sewing room upside down this weekend, looking for the 3 1/2 square of fabric I swear Sophie ran off with, I made a discovery. I love it when this happens. Usually I keep all my future projects in my stash closet where I can frequently admire, fondle and consider…
Flowers For Clara
So. What do you all do when you feel overwhelmed with the number of quilting projects you have started and have yet to finish? Do you pull your hair in frustration? Do you stay up all night to make some headway on all the sewing you need to do? Do you hide the unfinished projects…
What I Think Is Sexy
Did I get your attention? Well, I will give you my opinion on that subject in a minute. First of all, I want to say that the comments I received on yesterday's post were incredible. If you haven't read them all, I recommend that you go back and read every one. What thoughtful, heartfelt messages…
Scraps Give-Away
I just have to share this blurry picture of Ozzie and Remy. They had been playing tug of war with a tennis ball, both of them hanging on for dear life, when by some silent signal, they both stopped tugging and dropped the ball between them. After a bit of panting, they were at it…