Scraps For Sale…..
In a past life I used to be a pre-school and pre-kindergarten teacher. My favorite thing to do was to create flannel board stories or dramatic play kits based on my favorite children’s literature. One favorite book of mine ( and of hundreds of my students) was “Caps For Sale: A Tale of a Peddler,…
My Happy Ironing Board
Normally, I would not dream of sharing a glimpse of my laundry room with you. It is pretty much a shambles with lingerie hanging everywhere, car washing towels waiting to be put away, baskets full of dirty clothes waiting to be washed, clean clothes waiting to be folded. But here is something I am proud…
Fat Quarter Game
I need your help. I’ve been planning a quilting retreat that is scheduled for this Friday, and I need some ideas for games to play with the girls while we are there. I have heard of a game that is played with fat quarters that sounds like it would be really fun. It is called…
Odd Things About Me
Suzy tagged me to list seven weird things about myself. The mind boggles. Me? Weird? If you only knew. I will try to come up with seven odd things that won’t be TMI. OK, here goes. 1) My husband and I eloped. We ran off to Reno and got married in one of those drop-in…
I’m A Grandma, Sort Of…
Sorry I dropped out of sight there for a few days after my Blog Give Away. Life just got hectic. Or maybe I just got lazy! Part of my problem is that I am having a terrible time trying to decide upon my next project. I thought I had it all figured out, but now…
Today is the day to pick a winner of my Blogging Friendship quilt! I printed out and cut out all 140 comments to my Blogiversary post. Then, I dumped all of Ozzie’s toys out of his toy basket and put the paper strips in it. My assistant put his nose in the basket and selected…
I Won a Blog Contest!
My goodness. I just won something! Dear Jane from Sew It Create It had a blog giveaway going on and I made a comment on the required day. Miraculously, my name was the winner! You see above the lovely things she sent me, all the way from England. A terrific tote all made out of…
Drumroll Please
We have a winner! Cindy of Too Much Fabric, Too Little Time has without a doubt the messiest work space I have ever seen. She has PILES of things. What a colossal mess. Her hands must have been shaking with fear as she took this picture, because it is a teensy bit blurry. I had…
Mess, Mess, Who’s Got the Bigget Mess Tag
My friend Karen at Living Life at Leehaven recently posted a picture of her messy cutting table and played a game to see if she could spy 15 things on its cluttered surface. I thought it was such a cute, fun idea and asked her if I could steal her concept and start a tag…
Have a Happy Fall Weekend!
Have a great weekend everyone! Hope yours is full of family, relaxation, good food, and happiness. Home is where my heart is these days. Here is Ozzie in a rare moment of quiet. He likes to cuddle on the couch wrapped up in my favorite bathrobe every morning.