Fancy Summer Breeze
Isn't this pull of fabric happy? It is a combination of Lori Holt's "Prim" and "Flea Market", Corey Yoder's "Spring Brook", and Lily Ashbury's "Fancy". I think Lily Ashbury was ahead of her time with those fun bright-hued fabrics. They are hugely popular now with designers such as Lori Holt and April Rosenthal putting out…
Hallo Harvest Runner on the Table
Here she is, on the dining room table. "Night Flight" by Basic Grey. If any of you were lucky enough to get some of the Hallo Harvest fabric by Basic Grey when it was available, you should pat yourselves on the back. What a fun collection. I bought a kit for an entire quilt, and…
Cupcake Papers Quilt
Oh my, I am in love with this! These blocks are made with Miss Rosie's Quilt Co. Cupcake Mix Foundation Papers #1. What you see above is 16 blocks made with the papers and a charm pack of "Late Bloomers" by Sandy Gervais for Moda. I have loved the experience of paper piecing, and working…
Shine Bright Runner
It's almost September, so a Christmas project is in order, don't you think? This is Shine Bright, a pattern by Kansas Troubles. Lynn Hagemeir has been the designer behind Kansas Trouble Quilts for over 25 years, and I think I have admired her that entire time. I love her pure color palette, her crisp designs,…
Lots of Sewing Going On
I am so excited about how well this table runner turned out! It is called Sunflower Duet, and is from the book The Big Book of Table Toppers. The design is by Lynn Hagmeier of Kansas Troubles Quilts. I highly recommend the book, which is chock full of great patterns for small table quilts. The…
Have an Ohana 4th of July
Our national day of independence, the 4th of July is this Saturday. If you celebrate, I hope you do so safely and with those you love. We are having a small family barbeque at Eva's daddy's house. He is a fantastic cook, so whatever we have will be amazing. Eva is with her mommy this…
Well, That’s Better
I had a much better sewing day yesterday. I had my husband snap a photo to show that I really can do it. Excuse the no makeup and funny expression. This was about the eighth photo he took, as he kept chopping off my head and I was getting impatient with the poor man. I…
Not Everything Turns Out As You Hoped
This was my weekend project. And I am so disappointed in the way it turned out. I swear I used the same fabrics as the pattern designer, and my effort is so not what I was expecting. There just is not enough contrast between the background and the focal units. It is supposed to be…
Little Stars Topper & Some Organizing
Just in time for the 4th of July! This little stars table topper was such fun to make. I don't do paper piecing very often, so a small project like this is what it takes to keep my skill set sharp. When I first got started I could barely remember which end was supposed to…
Cabin Skein
This little mini quilt is called Cabin Skein. Designed by Carrie Nelson, her explanation for the name is that a group of flying geese is called a "skein". Since the quilt involves both Log Cabin Blocks and Flying Geese, she thought the name was appropriate. The pattern is in a book called Moda All Stars…