Spring Cleaning
istockphoto I want to make it very clear that this is NOT a photo of my closet, or of a closet of anyone I know. I am using this image to make a point. That point being, that there comes a time for all of us, when we cannot put it off one more second—-and…
Hyacinths for the Soul
(iStockphoto) A Persian poet named Saadi from the 1200’s said it best: If of thy mortal goods thou art bereft, And from thy slender store two loaves alone to thee are left, Sell one, and with the dole Buy hyacinths to feed thy soul.
Death of a Fat Quarter Collection
I must share with you a recent fabric disaster. I was planning to make the Sweet Emma Rose quilt from the Miss Rosie’s Quilt Collection book, and had all my fabrics out on the coffee table in my family room. You quilters can relate to how lovely it is to spread out your uncut fabric…
Cold Comfort
I’ve had a bad cold this week. A really bad cold. The kind of cold that starts out as a scratchy irritation in the back of your throat, which in no time flat, grabs hold of your total being and reduces you to abject snozzelly misery. This particular cold has run rampant through every member…
Falling Out
We had house guests last weekend. My daughter, her husband, and one of their friends were going camping in Big Sur over the long weekend. Our house is about half way between Big Sur and where they live, so they asked if they could stay with us on Friday night. One of my favorite things…