Spring Garden Walk
One fine spring day recently, I took myself to Gamble Gardens in Palo Alto to see what kind of pretty spring flowers might be presenting themselves. Please join me as I wander along the pathways and take in the glorious assortment of blossoms and bulbs. Gamble Gardens is a non-profit community resource that provides classes…
Vintage Treasures
Hankies! I have used crocheted edged handkerchiefs my entire life. It is undoubtedly a throw back to my Grandma Agnes always having one stuck in her sleeve or bosom, another of her traits that I seem to have inherited. You will be happy to hear that I keep my hankies in my purse, not my…
Lunchtime Walk
I decided I needed a walk at lunch one day this past week, and I invite you to come along with me and see what I saw. My family is planning a vacation to Spain at the end of this month, and I figured I had better get my feet in shape for all the…
My sister and I left the house bright and early for a lovely day of shopping and lunching, and I invite you to come along with us. We covered a lot of territory and managed to cram quite a bit into our Saturday. Our primary destination was a unique establishment in Soquel, called Wisteria. Wisteria…