Feeling Fragile
My husband and I are still feeling quite fragile over the loss of our Ozzie. He was an older dog, going on 16 years, but he was always so lively and healthy, his sudden demise took us quite by surprise. The evening before he passed away, we enjoyed a really nice family time with Sara…
National Dog Day: My Dog
Did you all enjoy seeing all the cute dog pics on Instagram yesterday? It was National Dog Day. Everyone with a cute dog (and some not so cute dogs) posted pictures of their pets. Well I have a cute dog too. Ozzie. He has been with us for 13 years and those years have been…
Every week on my To Do/Planner I write "Bindings" in an effort to complete the massive pile of bindings that I need to sew onto my finished quilts. I just do not enjoy sewing bindings. I know, lots of people love doing it. Well, I wish they would come sit on my porch with me…
Great Get Away
This little trip up to the mountains has been the best getaway. We have had some wonderful weather, some great hikes, and some really lovely time together. It was such a good idea to bring Ozzie along with us, as his enjoyment of the outings has given us a lot of joy as well. It…
The Adventure Continues
Ozzie is, if anything, more excited than ever to have been included in this fun road trip up to Lake Tahoe. He can't believe his good luck in experiencing all the wonderful smells and seeing all the new sights. I can't even believe I took this picture, it turned out so well. We were walking…
Ozzie Turns Twelve
Those of you who have followed my blog for a while are familiar with my mischievous dog Ozzie. Ozzie is a 25 pound Welsh Terrier who has definitely made his mark on our family. Ozzie has been creating various degrees of havoc in my life for twelve years as of today. He has mellowed the…
What’s Going On At My House
I know. Is that pathetic or what? Ozzie has been through a bit of "stuff" lately. I am about to rant and rave a bit, so if that's not your thing, stop reading now. He had a little growth on his lower left eyelid, which was successfully removed just over a week ago. You can…
Time to Fish or Cut Bait
Before I fish or cut bait, I just want to let you know everyone is doing better. Ozzie is almost himself again, Eva's wrist is pretty good, and my dad continues to think his eye is getting back to normal. Thanks for all your kind wishes! So, I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. I have…
Windmills Blocks Finished
I have finished the 169 pinwheel and hourglass blocks for the Windmills quilt. 85 pinwheels and 84 hourglass blocks. And a mess of flying geese for the border, but I didn't count them. The original pattern that inspired me is called Windmills and is designed by Bonnie Blue/Red Crinoline Quilts. I kept the block size…
Around the House
Not too much happening around here. I had a virus, which I am pretty much over–only a bit of a hacking cough and a big cold sore indicate that all was not well last week. I am scheduled to work both days this weekend, so any sewing that happens this week is going to…