Hey, it's you. You're back. Where have you been Ozzie? By the way, that is my spot on the chaise lounge. Do I need to kill you? Aw, it's ok. You can stay there. I' ll let you live. I guess I kinda missed you last week. By the way, did you notice I have…
Oil Spill At Our House
istockphoto Ok. I don't know what is going on cosmically, but things around here are totally out of whack. My son likes to change his own motor oil. Great. It is an economy. He saves a bundle not going to Jiffy Lube. So what does he do with the dirty motor oil he drains from…
Sleeping Beauty
I know, another dog post. There hasn't been any sewing going on at my house, so this is the best I can do subject wise. In fact, there isn't anything going on at my house, since I am at work one place or another every single minute. Tomorrow I may have to post on…
These Darn Dogs
During interrogation, Ozzie confessed to the orange shoe incident. We have decided to put him on probation, and keep our shoes out of his reach. His episode with the shoe pales in comparison however, to the things his sister Sophie has been up to lately. Warning: If you are squeamish, stop reading right now. I…
I Know What I’ll Be Doing This Weekend…
I have my fabric all cut out for my top secret sewing mission, and placed into carefully labeled baggies. Hmmm, there are a lot of pieces here to sort out. For each block, I need to choose one back ground fabric and three different colored fabrics to form the pattern. My biggest decision is whether…
Sneak Peek and Tentative Truce
Interesting comments to yesterday's post on the low tech way to do laundry. So many of you have the same memories as I do. One woman said that we must have had the same grandma, her recollections were so identical to mine. We always wondered what happened to Uncle Roger, maybe this is a clue? …
Peace Has Been Restored
istockphoto My husband is home from his trip and order has been restored at our house. The dogs are on their best behavior in his presence. I definitely am not anywhere on the alpha chain. We have a call in to a professional dog trainer to see if she can help us with our canine…
Slug A-bed
This little Princess and the Pea would be my Sophie, posing delicately while she catches a few zzzz's. She has taken to climbing into bed with me after her morning walk with my husband and Ozzie. After leaping onto me and licking my face thoroughly, she curls up against my tummy and we make like…
Dogs On Safari
Hey everybody, greetings from Newport Beach! The family and I are on vacation, something we haven't been able to do together since Ozzie and Sophie came to live with us. We used to have the aged grandparents take care of our dog while we went away, but they are getting a bit doddery and aren't…
Double Decker Dogs
Here are my sleepy dogs, settling in for their morning naps. They have had their walk and their breakfasts, and are going back to bed for a little lie in. They can be good sometimes. For short periods of time. And yes, that is one of my favorite quilts that Ozzie is lying on. Zuzu's…