I Have the World’s Most Annoying Dog
This makes a pretty perfect Wordless Wednesday post. It's for all of you who have been asking me for Ozzie updates. He certainly isn't maturing or mellowing out with age. I must say he makes me laugh.
Arrrggggh. My Dog is SO Annoying.
I've been buying a few outside/active play toys for Eva to use this summer when she is at my house. This is one of them, a Little Tykes basket ball hoop. She loves it and got to put one ball through the basket. Then Ozzie got the ball away from her and now it looks…
These Are What My Days Are Like
I think he is trying to tell me something…What could it be? Honestly, this dog is such a clown. If he isn't dozing on my favorite chair, he is teasing me with something. He is so expressive and comical it is ridiculous. He lives to torment me non stop 24/7. It is so clear, what…
Irish Woolen Mill
While visiting Ireland last week, we made a point to travel to County Wicklow to see the woolen mill at Avoca. This mill is the oldest mill in Ireland and is located in a village so picturesque it has been used for a location in many films–you may have heard of the tv series Ballykissangel,…
Guess You’re Stuck with Me
I know I am not half as cute as Baby E, and I am more high maintenance to boot. But the family has laid down the law and Nicole won't be posting pictures of the baby's face in the future. But hey. What's wrong with my mug? As dogs go, I think I am pretty…
More Notions and Ozzie Takes Advantage
I swear, my husband goes out of town and Ozzie thinks he can take all sorts of liberties. I had just staggered out of my nice warm bed this morning, and when I tried to return, someone had slipped in and taken my place. Yes. Under the covers! Yesterday I mentioned that a number of…
Finally I got into my sewing room and got some Bliss Baby Blocks done. I stopped trying to complete the applique center on each flower and concentrated just on getting the blocks finished. My aim was to complete all 30 blocks this weekend and then work on appliquing the center circles before and after work…
Ozzie Gets a Hair Cut
I just hate it when Ozzie gets a hair cut. He makes me feel guilty for about two weeks while it grows out. He shivers and shakes and has to wear his blue sweater. And he insists on making himself as small as possible in order to conserve his body heat. Seriously, he completely goes…
Take a Walk With Ozzie and I
Would you like to take a walk with Ozzie and I, through the neighborhood? Come on, it's a great day, let's go. This is Ozzie in his new lead. Ozzie is a bad walker. He likes to pull and tug and choke himself half to death when he is on a normal collar style leash. …
Ozzie’s On A Tear
Good gravy, is this dog getting on my last nerve or what? I've just been so busy lately, with the shopping, wrapping, decorating, sewing, that I haven't been able to devote my usual amount of time to Ozzie. He wants my attention and he wants it NOW. His usual method of getting me to focus…