Here is a picture of a sunrise. Which is something I haven’t seen in quite some time. You see, since I haven’t been working for over a year, I have learned to appreciate the joy of Sleeping In. But I better start practicing getting up early because I GOT A JOB!!!! It finally worked out and…
I am just not concentrating today. I can’t type, I can’t follow directions, and I am spending more time un-sewing than I am sewing. My Coventry quilt is ready for its borders, and while in a day dreaming stupor, I attached the 3 inch borders first, rather than the 2 3/8th inch borders. So off…
Can We Talk? About Pins…….
I have been breaking an awful lot of pins and needles lately. I sew over them and something makes a big clunk and I am left with a bent or broken pin, or worse, a snapped off needle. It occurs to me that perhaps I am using pins that are too thick. Can you friends…
Future Friday Finish
This is a little tease of the quilt I had hoped to finish by this Friday. The thing is, this week is my birthday, Friday that is, and my husband is surprising me with a little get-away. Of course, it isn't a surprise, because I totally guessed what he had up his sleeve! I flat…
Does Anyone Recognize This Pattern?
I have had so many people ask me the name of this pattern, and I simply cannot recall where I got the idea for it. Do any of you recognize it from a book or a pattern? All I know is that I finished it in March of 2005. The fabric looks as if…
Quilt in a Weekend
This quilt top took just over six hours to make. Seriously, you could do it in a weekend, with no great effort at all! The quilt is made with a jelly roll (I used two), so the cutting is just about done for you before you even get started. You do have to cut the…
So Many Bindings. So Little Time
"You are not leaving this house until you finish your chores". Remember Mom saying that? Or versions there of. "You are grounded until your room is totally straightened up". "I do not want one more word out of you until that homework is done". I need a Mom to tell me "You will not do…
Tie Off Needles
Several of you have inquired about the "tie off" needles I mentioned in my last post. Here is a photo of the special needles I got for doing the tie offs on my blended neutrals quilt. You don’t have to thread them in the normal manner. You just kind of hook your thread around the…
Blended Neutrals Quilt
I got my Blended Neutrals quilt back from my quilter (Debbie at Prairiequeens) this week! She did a custom job for me and is it ever gorgeous. The quilting makes the quilt, as they always say. Here is a close up of one of the blocks. My photography does not do it justice, but you…
Organization 101
Since I had to get all this stuff up off the floor so we could shampoo the rug in the sewing room, I finally forced myself to label and arrange my works in progress. I can’t tell you how good this feels, to finally address my current issue of too many unfinished projects. I counted…