Goosey Goosey Gander
Quick update on my progress with the flying geese–it's going well. All geese are made, and only 28 more need to be trimmed. Hopefully today I can get my little Dutchman's Puzzle blocks together. What a fun project this is: Whit, a Little Bites pattern by Miss Rosie's Quilt Co. And just for fun….Look what…
Duck Duck Goose
I am up to my eyeballs in geese. Flying Geese that is. I have eight more to make and I will be finished with construction, but as you see, my little pile needs to be trimmed. Ha! I am tempted to take them to work with me today, along with my tiny cutting mat and…
Canned Pears
For those of you who couldn't see my post from yesterday or leave comments, it was due to a major Typepad issue. Again. They were down all day long. Ever since they were hacked last month it has been one thing after another. I had better type this and get it posted before it goes…
Progress on Pears
Despite an attack of Spring Fever, which is causing me to want to sit on the porch sipping iced tea all day long, I have gotten a bit of work done on my pear blocks. If you recall, I had stacks of little bitty squares and rectangles labled from A to M that were to…
The sewing room is pretty much of a disaster right now because I am experimenting with the Kaleidoscope blocks. I have sure made a number of blocks wrong! I keep trimming off the corners that I am supposed to attach the corner squares to. I want my 12 piece blocks with the corner squares to…
Still In My Happy Zone
I've been happy as can be working away on my happy blocks. Debbie suggested that I rename the quilt "Maison Joyeuse", which I thought was an excellent idea. Several of you have inquired as to the size of the blocks, and they are a perfect 8 1/2 inches. Love that size block. I want…
Let’s Have Some Color
Hey there. Hope you all had a good weekend. Mine was pretty good, with great springtime weather, some family time, and some sewing thrown in for good measure. I got the center section of Victory Stars all sewn together, and am going to set that project aside for a bit. I will be adding a…
Guest Post: Sara’s “Silver Linings” Quilt
Mom's taking a little break, but will resume soon. The death of my cousin has hit all of us quite hard. Still, we wanted to have a little content for you. If you are long time followers of my mother's blog then you might be familiar with me. Four years ago, my then husband…
Victory Star Center Blocks Done
My project du jour is Victory Stars, a pattern and kit designed by Paula Barnes for Red Crinoline Quilts. I have thoroughly enjoyed the process of making the center blocks, done in shades of navy and a golden tan background color. The blocks each have a center square in a contrasting color, which I think…
Half Square Triangle Exercise Almost Done
I didn't finish my Half Square Triangle Exercise quilt top by my self-imposed deadline, but I am nearly there. I have one more block to make! I need to make this quilt as large as possible, so I am going with a diagonal set and alternate plain blocks. I can see I will be doing…