Belle Meade Has Begun To Take Shape
I spent a lovely weekend at my sewing machine—or a good deal of the weekend at any rate. I pressed and trimmed the last of the 656 half square triangles for the Belle Meade project I am working on along with Thelma (Cupcakes 'n' Daisies). I tell you, those half square triangles don't just make…
RCBQ–Some Progress
I really wanted to get the blocks and lattices for the Ridiculously Cute Basket Quilt sewn together on my day off, but as you see, I didn't quite finish. I got sidetracked with endless rearranging of lattice strips and block orientation. Do you ever do that? Honestly, if two similar fabrics end up next to…
Ridiculously Cute Basket Blocks
In spite of an insane work schedule this week, I have dived into finishing up one of my UFOs from last year. I call this project the Ridiculously Cute Basket Quilt. The pattern is an old Miss Rosie one called MoJo and the fabrics are the wonderful Simple Abundance by Bonnie and Camille for Moda. Isn't…
Shiloh, My New Project
I ordered this pattern from Bonnie Blue Quilts recently. Actually it is a kit. I loved the red and green, brown and gold color palette of the fabrics and the flying geese unit has to be my favorite thing to make. I had the entire day off yesterday, and certainly did not want to spend…
Mocha Trails, Still Evolving
I am still experimenting with my Mocha Trails blocks. I didn't get as much sewing done on Thursday as I had planned, since my husband invited me out to lunch and to a movie. As you see, I got my fabrics cut out at least. The movie we saw was really different. "Hereafter" with Matt…
This and That
This past weekend when I pulled out Mocha Trails, I rediscovered these blocks. My Ridiculously Cute Basket Blocks (MoJo by Miss Rosie's Quilt Co.). Gosh, those are cute. Even my husband commented on them when he walked by the sewing room. "Wow, I really like that. What great fabrics". Yup, the fabrics are wonderful all…
Have You Ever Plucked a Quilt?
Yes, Friends, it is possible to pluck a quilt. I am learning all sorts of new techniques as I progress with my Route 44 quilt (AKA My Humility Quilt). I have to ask myself what on earth else can go wrong with this quilt? My construction of it has been bass ackwards from the beginning. …
Are We There Yet?
Did you ever go to a restaurant and order a nice big salad? And when you were only half way done with it, everyone else at the table was finished with what they ordered? And sat staring at you while you kept eating and eating that salad? Feel like you had been chewing that…
Route 44
This is the shop sample Quilters General made up for the Miss Rosie's class I took in Illinois. It was a gorgeous quilt, enhanced by some very nice quilting. Here is Carrie's quilt. She looks kinda goofy in the picture, but it is because she is talking to us about her quilt. I caught her…
New Project–Saltbox Harvest
Since I finished a project this week (Neptune), I figured that starting something new would give my spirits a boost. I got to thinking about picking fabrics and colors that were a bit out of my norm. After rummaging a bit in the stash closet, I surfaced with two layer cakes of Saltbox Harvest by…