Somebody Stop Me
In the past couple of weeks I have started five new projects. Five. Cut out the fabric, made a few blocks and carefully placed everything in a project box. I am very excited about each of these new projects, but am feeling a bit schizophrenic. Which one shall I focus on? I truly cannot decide. …
Ridiculously Cute
At the risk of sounding like I am from California, these blocks are seriously cute. Totally adorable. Dude. I mean rullly. I started making these blocks mid-day on Sunday, and am not sure I am able to stop. Forget about dinner, forget about watching tv, or finishing that good book. All I want to do…
Sometimes Good is Good Enough
First of all, let me tell you that I love this alternate block. I experimented this weekend and tried a couple of the suggestions that were offered by some of you dear readers. This block came out dead on at 12 1/2 inches unfinished. And I like the look of it. But then I started…
76 Geese A’Laying
I lied yesterday when I said I had a hundred flying geese to make. More like 76, it turns out. And they are big devils, 3 1/2 inches by 6 1/2 inches. I have all my units cut out and organized and ready to go. I know I should get going on them, and sew…
My Pond is Polluted
You have seen it in previous posts. This is my Goose in the Pond block that is featured in the Miss Rosie quilt called "Toulouse" that I am working on along with Lisa and Thelma. I only had to make nine of them for the quilt top. Very simple components–you just can't go wrong. Except…
Snowball Blocks: Done!
I haven't had much time at the sewing machine this week, due to my dental emergency. I had broken a crown (my back left lower molar) and had an appointment on Wednesday to drive up to Palo Alto to see my dentist, Dr. Wong. He said the crown had to be removed and a new…
Les Triplettes de Toulouse
In 2003, the craziest movie came out–Les Triplettes de Belleville. It was a combined international effort on the part of France, Belgium, Quebec and the UK. It was advertised as a full length animated surreal adventure film and was a huge hit at the Cannes Film Festival. The sound track is very catchy, particularly the…
Rejoining the Living
Hey, I feel pretty good this morning! Head is clearer, ears not ringing, eyes not watering too much, nose not completely stuffed up. Let the vacation begin! Boy, do I have a lot of sewing projects I would like to work on. What? I have to go back to work today? No! Did I tell…
Unfinished Christmas Quilts
Have you ever thought you could read your pet's mind? Sophie seems to be telling me "You blog too much. You sew too much. You fool around too much when you could be playing with me. I don't know what you do with your time, but it could be far better spent". Here she is,…
Flowers for Clara
Now, these blocks are not sewn together, just laid out on the design bed, but you can see how this top is coming together! Don't the blocks make a cool design when rotated the way they are? The pattern and fabric was a kit I bought from Bonnie Blue Quilts, a shop specializing in reproduction…