Mystery Project
I am so excited about a new project I am beginning, perfect for late summer/early fall. I can't tell you all about it just yet, as I hope to be sewing along with a couple of friends, and haven't conferred with them as to when we are going to officially start sharing the details. This…
I’m Still Alive
I have started to get concerned emails from readers inquiring "are you all right?". Yes I am fine. Just super amazingly busy. It is hard to be a caregiver and accomplish all the other things your family normally expects as de rigueur holiday happenings. What exactly have I been doing? Caring for Grandpa, caring for…
I’m Better Now
I had a bit of a melt down yesterday. All the caregiving, cleaning, cooking and "doing" finally caught up with me, and I decided I was pretty much done with it all. I needed a long weekend at a resort spa, complete with all the massage and grooming appointments time would allow. That wasn't in…
As you can see, I am plodding along with my Halloween 1904 quilt. Will I finish the top by Halloween? We shall see. I got the half square triangles all re-made and finished up all the blocks that required orange ones. Much progress has been made with the black ones, and some that are pictured…
Making Up For Lost Time and PRIZES
Oh joy. Be still my heart. Look what arrived on my door step. My extra blacks and neutrals for my Halloween 1904 half square triangles. And you know what else? Eva took a super long nap today and I was able to finish all of them! The stars are now in alignment and the cosmos…
Spools Parade
Welcome to the Spools Parade! Thelma is hosting her half of the parade on her blog Cupcakes 'n' Daisies, so be sure to visit her to see even more Spools quilts. I understand she is riding in a convertible with a crown and sash, giving everyone the royal wave as she rides down Main Street,…
More Spools to Share
Here is Sally's (Chocolate Chip Addict blog) Spools quilt top, another scrappy one. She has a very fun plan to appliqué a needle and thread on it. The thread will be red and will connect to the red spool on the lower right. Don't you love it when people take a project and make it…
Spools All Done
Here it is! My Civil War Reproduction version of Spools! I was so happy to get this put together this weekend. I varied the pattern slightly by making some of the "thread" strips thinner, so I could get to use more fabrics from my stash and make things a bit scrappier looking. The pattern calls…
This weekend I managed to squeeze in some time to work on my Civil War Spools. I don't know which of these cute blocks is my favorite! I am quite partial to the green ones, I have to say. I will make 16 blocks in all, and probably do the straight setting/small quilt with these…
Spools Sew Along Friday Update and a Small Rant
Well, I haven't made much progress on my Spools projects since my post on Wednesday, but I did get a picture from Stephani, who is sewing along with us. This is what she shared: Cute little guys, aren't they? Sorry, I couldn't seem to enlarge the photo, but aren't her colors fresh? The reason I…