I've been in a very dithery mood this week. Nothing holds my attention for long. I find myself torn between sewing a bit, reading a bit, going on an errand, and fretting about things that need to be done… I am sure you have all been there and can relate. I have a lot of…
Summer Memories Week 3
I am all ready to trim and press my half-square triangle units for Week 3 of the Summer Memories sew-along. A week behind, but I'll catch up. Only three blocks for Week 3, whew. What a beautiful weekend we had. I sat outside and read my book and loved all the fresh air and sunshine.…
Summer Memories Weeks 1 and 2 Complete
Sorry for the ugly photo, but here we have weeks 1 and 2 of the Summer Memories sew-along. On the left I have three blocks stacked one on top of the other, and on the right are four blocks for week 2. I finished up week 2 yesterday and will cut out and prep the…
Dipping My Toe Back In The Water
This is week 2 of the Summer Memories sew-along and I fear I am going to fall behind rather disastrously. I did no sewing last week, which is when these four blocks should have been completed. I dived in today, with enthusiasm, but ran into some roadblocks. I must not have had all my wits…
Summer Memories Week One Blocks
I'm kind of proud of myself for getting these blocks done last week. It was Week One of the Summer Memories sew along, from Susan Ache's book of the same name. Each week for five weeks we will be doing three or four basket blocks for a total of 16 total. Each of the 14"…
Summer Memories SAL: Cat’s Cradle Units
The Summer Memories sew-along started Monday, May 1. I have my fabric all prepped, but couldn't start until Tuesday of this week. You make the quilt top in a series of large blocks, each consisting of four basket blocks. There will be five different variations of basket blocks in the quilt top. There are a…
Lots of Red Sampler Progress
I am really coming along with the Red Sampler blocks this week. Not too many more to go. I realized last week that each of those blocks needs to be framed with strips of background fabric. Luckily several Etsy sellers had the fabric, so I have been ordering it. Those Etsy vendors typically are super…
Which of These Blocks Is Better?
Which of these blocks looks better? I already know because I did a little experiment for you dear readers. I wanted to show you what a difference contrast and value can make. The block on the left looks sharp and clear and the block on the right is a muddy hodgepodge that your eye can't…
March UFO, and Probably April and May too
Now that my green Don't Fence Me In quilt is a finish, I thought I had better stick to my goals and pick a UFO to work on for March. As I went through my bins of UFOs, I came to a halt when I saw my red blocks from the Lori Holt/Bee In My…
Sewcialites Block 17
This is "Simplicity", Sewcialites Block 17, designed by Vanessa Goertzen of Lella Boutique. That is her photo above of the two blocks she made using her gorgeous Love Note fabrics. I didn't think this block would work in the style of quilt I am planning, so I decided to skip it. I was going to…