The Perils of Bias Binding
I don't typically make all my bindings on the bias, so when I do choose to do that, I pretty much have to re-invent the wheel. There many ways to go wrong with the technique for making bias bindings, and it is a wonderful opportunity for me to be all kinds of stupid. The directions…
Lesson Learned
Oh dear. I have been down for the count the past couple of days for sure. Are any of you familiar with the objects pictured above? They are commonly prescribed asthma drugs. The round one on the left is called Advair. There are no generic versions available (there used to be, but the FDA…
Self Tanning
Ok. So I haven't done a post on grooming since, I guess, my home waxing debacle. We are not going to talk about that little incident. But I had something so astonishing happen in regard to my self tanning product, that I just have to share. Maybe over share. St. Tropez is a very high…
I’m Still Alive
I have started to get concerned emails from readers inquiring "are you all right?". Yes I am fine. Just super amazingly busy. It is hard to be a caregiver and accomplish all the other things your family normally expects as de rigueur holiday happenings. What exactly have I been doing? Caring for Grandpa, caring for…
Why Oh Why
Why oh why have I left things so late? What was I thinking? It is November and my son in law is asking me what holiday items I am going to sell in his shop during November and December. Can I bring a few things in for next weekend? Good question. Oh dear oh dear…
Black is Beautiful
Well, I think it looks good in black too. Today I did a bit of experimenting, and it is clear that I can make very good use of my half square triangle "mistakes". The red and white version on the cover of the APQ magazine I showed yesterday has the same lights in the background…
Busy Busy and a Cautionary Tale
I am really off my posting schedule this week. It might have something to do with how much I need to get done before I leave on my trip! My little zippy bags sell well at my son in law's wine tasting shop, and it was time for a new color line more in keeping…
Bad Luck
Well, this is a major bummer. It turns out Grandpa broke his leg. Saturday was the big day to get him moved into a little cottage near us, and when he was getting out of the moving truck, he stepped down kind of hard on his right leg, due to it being a big step…
Mixed Bag
My Easter weekend surely was a mixed bag. On the one hand, we had glorious weather. On the other, everything that could go wrong seemed to do that. This was supposed to be the big weekend to move Grandpa into a little cottage on the nearby golf course. He got through the day just fine,…
Shop the Outer Aisle
Have you ever heard the advice that if you wish to eat in the healthiest manner possible, you would do well to shop the "outer aisles" of the grocery store? Well, in the nearby town of Douglas Flats, there is a produce stand cleverly called The Outer Aisle. This place is loaded with wonderful fruits…