I’ll Take Some Comfort There
What a day. Skip this post if you don't want to hear about my poor pitiful self. Back to Urgent Care. One Eyed Nick, that's me. I woke up Tuesday morning with an eye that wasn't pretty. An eye that was certainly NOT better. Well, they said to come back if it wasn't better so…
A Day Off
Hello? Heeelllllllloooooo????? Do I still have some readers out there? I really am a quilter, first and foremost, even though it may not seem like it right now. I have had no quilting related posts for awhile, because of my insane schedule, but that is going to change. I worked nearly 60 hours this week,…
The Weekend Is In Sight…
Not a heck of a lot of sewing going on this week. My hour a day plan has been temporarily derailed, but I plan to get back on schedule this weekend. My two jobs have eaten into my free time this week, as I have been putting in some extra time at one of them. …
After Work
The clock over the pantry door says it's Wine O'Clock as my dad likes to say. Here I am, home from my day at work, which was a good one, all in all. Time for a restorative and a bit of a walk about the yard. Glorious weather today, it was. About time. Won't you…