Tie Offs Tutorial
Good morning. I got a lot of queries about tie offs yesterday when I posted about finishing up my Another Year of Schnibbles project. What are they? What did I mean, that I needed to do them? Here's the deal. When you do machine quilting, you end up with long threads at the beginning and…
Getting Precise Seam Abutments
Here are my block units for Rummy (from Monique Dillard's new book Fat Quarter Winners), all laid out ready to stitch. One thing that you will need to concern yourself with if you make this block, is getting those seam abutments lined up perfectly. This can be an issue that drives quilters nuts, but I…
Eventide Tuesday–Let’s Make Hour Glass Blocks
Our Eventide quilts require 42 Ohio Star blocks, and in each Ohio Star block, there are four "Hour Glass" units. I have a couple of tips to share with you that might help make your hour glass units turn out nice and sharp. Each hour glass unit is comprised of three fabrics: two dark squares,…
Tools of the Trade
Thanks to all of you who gave me such great suggestions for making the paper piecing of Half Square Triangle units easier. I have tried shortening my stitch length and that made a big difference. Now I need some larger needles! I will try out some of the other ideas for ripping the paper off…
One Way to Make Half Square Triangles…Or Not
Thelma and I are using two different methods of making half square triangles for our Belle Meade quilts. Please check out her blog post to see how she is handling these common and sometimes pesky block units. My Bonnie Blue pattern for Belle Meade recommended that I use their Spinning Star triangle papers, so that…
Another Way To Do It
Hi there everyone. Have a good weekend? Me too. While I was puttering around in my sewing room, fondling all the lovely cream colored strips my swap partners have been sending me for the Red and White Snowball challenge, I had an idea. The swap strips are five inches wide, correct? The pattern calls for…
The Angler 2 Revisited
After my post yesterday, bemoaning my lack of time to work on my Charming Girls Quilt Club project, I got more questions about the blue tape on the bed of my sewing machine! What is that tape for? Why do I have blue tape on my Bernina? The blue tape isn't anything special, it is…
You Simply MUST Trim
I know I have harped on this subject in the past, but it is so important, I feel I must get up on the soap box again. This past weekend I made 40 quarter square triangle blocks for one of the borders for my Summer Wind Moor is Moor quilt. A quarter square triangle block…
My Least Favorite Way To Make Half Square Triangles
I don’t know what possessed me. I was at my Wednesday UFO group at Eddie’s Quilting Bee and had planned to work on my Posh Basket blocks. Somehow I had left my half square triangles at home and had to start over and make some more. The book I am using for the block pattern,…
Flying Geese, Another Way
On April 18, 2007, I posted a tutorial on my favorite way to make Flying Geese Units. Any time you are making flying geese units, you can use this technique, which isn’t always given in the block assembly instructions. Check it out, by clicking on the link. You make four perfect flying geese in no…