For Vann
Our dear friend Susan of Blackberry Creek lost her beloved husband Vann today. Mere words are not enough to provide the comfort my heart desires to give, but it is all I have. This poem by Raymond Carver gave me some solace after the death of my mother. Susan and family, please accept this offering…
Thank You
I do have a new post for today titled Are They Kidding?, but before I get to that…. I need to say a sincere thank you to all of you dear friends who took the time to comment on my unexpected medical drama over the weekend. It was sudden and shocking and brought up many…
Here Now
Do you ever get so caught up in the busy-ness of your life that you realize that you aren't really paying attention to that life? One of the woman I work with at one of my jobs has a license plate that reads HERENOW. Get it? Here and Now. She is a meditation/yoga enthusiast…
New Stunt Sewing Project and Honey Buns
I have been invited to do another stunt sewing project for my favorite Quilting Rock Star! This QRS has many qualities to recommend her, but one that I appreciate most is her tendency to send a bribe a little incentive gift prior to sending the project instructions. This time she sent me four Harmony Honey…
Bye Bye Muffin Top
Congratulations to Jocelyn of Happy Cottage Quilter! Jocelyn won the Spanx Hide and Sleek Cami that I am giving away. Email me your address and size Jocelyn, and the cami will be yours! I just had to post this before and after picture I found on the internet. Spanx really do work to smooth out…
Pepperoni Pizza Dip
You have just got to try this easy dip the next time someone tells you that you can bring an appetizer to a pot luck. It is cheap, goes together in an instant, and everyone loves it. Especially teenagers. It tastes just like pizza, really. Pepperoni Pizza Dip 8 oz. cream cheese, softened ½ cup…
istockphoto Do you have a breakfast ritual? Do you have a designated place to eat breakfast? Do you bother with breakfast at all? Diet experts say that eating breakfast is important for a number of reasons. It keeps you from snacking during the day, since you feel fuller. The breakfast habit gives you energy and…
This Is My Life, and You’re Welcome To It.
After seeing my post yesterday and the GLORIOUS Fruit Pizza that Andrea made, it is time to come down to Earth. To my world. This is what I served to my family this evening. I am just so sorry to inflict this image on you, but I just need to humble myself a bit. I…
Charming Girl’s Quilt Club
Kelly over at Charming Chatter is hosting a Quilt Club this summer. Click on the link on my left side bar and go check out what her proposal is in detail. To summarize, the Charming Girls' Quilt Club is a group that vows to finish one UFO per month this summer. If you finish a…
As it is my birthday month, the presents are still trickling in. You just never know what will appear in the mailbox! The glory you see in the picture above was sent to me by my friend Lisa of Stashmaster. The very latest Sturbridge Village collection "Greens", 19 gorgeous Civil War prints designed by Judie…