Friday Finish #6
I felt like I rushed this one a bit, but here it is, delivered on time for a Friday Finish. Between getting distracted with another quilt project and Ozzie plaguing the life out of me, it was a bit of a crunch to get this one completed! I am pleased with the way it turned…
Web Sampler Nears the Finish
Woo Hoo! My Web Sampler project has a deadline of this Tuesday, July 1, and I am nearing the finish. At least I think the deadline is this Tuesday. Ahem, that would be TOMORROW, wouldn’t it? Nobody has been talking much about this project we started together quite awhile back, so I just thought I…
Friday Finish #5
Mom discouraged bragging in our house when I was growing up, but I know she would give me some slack if I pat myself on the back for finishing this quilt top. I have been struggling to get this done for more than two years! The first challenge was the appliqued circles. I am…
They Say It’s Your Birthday….
Somebody turned one year old. It didn't start out as an unusual day. Maybe a few more snuggles and cuddles and gooney baby talk, but all in all it seemed pretty typical. Then it started to rain treats and chew bones…… And then a flock of turkeys came into the yard to play! Wow,…
Friday Finish #4–Not Vanilla Latte
Meet "Not Vanilla Latte"! She was supposed to be made out of an entirely different pattern which was called Vanilla Latte, but I didn't care for that pattern so much, even though the name is cool. I chose another pattern called Citrus Punch from the same book, and used my layer cake of At Water's…
Friday Finish #3
Woo Hoo! Happy Dance! I finished a UFO that must be going on ten years old! When I was working on this project back all those years ago, I loved the fabrics and really enjoyed making all the log cabin blocks. I remember excitedly laying the blocks all out on the floor at my parent's…
Huge Bummer
Our plans to go to Disneyland fell through! Am I ever disappointed. I had my suitcase out and was trying to decide between my white shorts or the navy ones, and we had to cancel everything. Lots of reasons, nothing major–it just isn't in the cards to go this week. I am consoling myself at…
California Dreamin’
Lots going on today, but no sewing. My food basket issue was resolved and I have loads of yummy fresh produce to try–fingerling potatoes, sorrel, broccolini, fresh artichokes, huge strawberries, and the most gorgeous red leaf lettuce you ever saw. And yes, some pea shoots too! Not sure how we will handle those. It is…
Monday Cotton Head
We had a lovely weekend. Maybe too lovely? This morning I feel all cotton headed and groggy. It is possible to have too much of a good thing I guess. Just salad and mineral water for me today, if you get my drift. My daughter and son in law and their sweet Westie puppy, Remy,…
I’ve Got the Blues
Now, I am not saying that I am going to get this done by the August 1 Two Color Quilt Challenge, but gosh, am I in love with this block. I stole was inspired by the idea posted on Patti's blog last week. She did this 64 block quilt top for the Two Color Challenge…