Everything but the Kitchen Sink


First off, I want to say that neither of the sinks pictured in this post belong to me.  I got them off the internet to make a point.

Have you all ever heard of The Fly Lady?  Years ago, I happened upon her website, which at the time, was a homey kitschy sort of thing.  Her schtick was giving tips on how to de-clutter, organize and clean your home.  Over the years, it seems to me that her website has gotten sort of commercial, but I can't fault her for trying to make a buck out of her homemaking ideas.  She even has a book out, "Sink Reflections", which may be easier to navigate than her website.   Anyway.  

One of her basic concepts, that has always stuck with me, is the Benefit of a  Clean Sink.  Her philosophy is that no matter how cluttered, disorganized and chaotic the rest of the house is, if you clean your sink until it shines, it can make all the difference.  Tackling just this one small area and making it spotless will give you such a sense of accomplishment that you will want to not only keep it that way, but move on to other areas of the house that need your attention.  One small step at a time.

She has detailed instructions on how to clean a sink (in case you never tried it), including the advice that you should dry and put away any dishes that you might be thinking of leaving to drain dry on the counter.

Whenever life seems too much for me, I clean my kitchen sink.  The benefits to my psyche are amazing.  Try it, you'll see.

Clean sink

26 responses to “Everything but the Kitchen Sink”

  1. You know, I think you’re right on this one. There are few things more depressing to look at than a sink full of dirty dishes! The other thing I do is wash my kitchen floor. Once that’s done then the chaos everywhere else doesn’t seem so bad!

  2. You know, I think you’re right on this one. There are few things more depressing to look at than a sink full of dirty dishes! The other thing I do is wash my kitchen floor. Once that’s done then the chaos everywhere else doesn’t seem so bad!

  3. That’s so true! And such a simple thing to do. My mother would not go to bed until her sink/counter area were clear of dishes, etc. It definitely brightens one’s mood to walk into a clean kitchen space each morning. Good tip!

  4. That’s so true! And such a simple thing to do. My mother would not go to bed until her sink/counter area were clear of dishes, etc. It definitely brightens one’s mood to walk into a clean kitchen space each morning. Good tip!

  5. I remember the Fly Lady! It has been awhile since I visited her.
    I agree on the kitchen sink thing. I HATE washing dishes but I acknowledge that the house looks almost clean when the kitchen sink is empty and CLEAN itself. on the other hand the house can be spotless but when there is something sitting in the sink, everything looks dingy.

  6. I remember the Fly Lady! It has been awhile since I visited her.
    I agree on the kitchen sink thing. I HATE washing dishes but I acknowledge that the house looks almost clean when the kitchen sink is empty and CLEAN itself. on the other hand the house can be spotless but when there is something sitting in the sink, everything looks dingy.

  7. That kitchen sink concept is interesting……When I feel overwhelmed I make a list of everything that needs to be done. For some reason, seeing it all written down makes it less overwhelming, plus marking things off the list feels great!

  8. That kitchen sink concept is interesting……When I feel overwhelmed I make a list of everything that needs to be done. For some reason, seeing it all written down makes it less overwhelming, plus marking things off the list feels great!

  9. I agree with Thelma! I am always making list.
    Cross things off with red ink.
    This shows me I do get things done! 🙂

  10. I agree with Thelma! I am always making list.
    Cross things off with red ink.
    This shows me I do get things done! 🙂

  11. That is the main thing I learnt from Fly Lady. It really does make a difference to clean the kitchen sink to a shine I think for me its partly because the clean sink motivates me to clean the rest of the kitchen etc..

  12. That is the main thing I learnt from Fly Lady. It really does make a difference to clean the kitchen sink to a shine I think for me its partly because the clean sink motivates me to clean the rest of the kitchen etc..

  13. I’m with you – a clean and tidy kitchen is a must – at least the counter tops and sink – I have to confess that sometimes my floor leaves something to be desired unless, of course, you are a dog – then it’s heavenly.

  14. I’m with you – a clean and tidy kitchen is a must – at least the counter tops and sink – I have to confess that sometimes my floor leaves something to be desired unless, of course, you are a dog – then it’s heavenly.

  15. Yes. Totally. And making the bed! Isn’t that one of her things, too? I do feel that if the sink is shining and the bed is made, everything else falls into place. I also love her thing about throwing away 27 things everyday. 🙂

  16. Yes. Totally. And making the bed! Isn’t that one of her things, too? I do feel that if the sink is shining and the bed is made, everything else falls into place. I also love her thing about throwing away 27 things everyday. 🙂

  17. My best friends mother always insisted that the sink be empty before bed every night…so each time I think of leaving something in the sink to air dry I think of Edith…yep you guessed it..I clean out my sink…then I spray it down with glass cleaner and wipe out with a paper towel..I might not make me sleep better but at least I know Edith won’t pop up in my dreams reminding me to clean out my sink..

  18. My best friends mother always insisted that the sink be empty before bed every night…so each time I think of leaving something in the sink to air dry I think of Edith…yep you guessed it..I clean out my sink…then I spray it down with glass cleaner and wipe out with a paper towel..I might not make me sleep better but at least I know Edith won’t pop up in my dreams reminding me to clean out my sink..

  19. I hate going to bed with anything left in the sink Because it faces you first thing in the morning yukkkkk.
    Hugs Mary.

  20. I hate going to bed with anything left in the sink Because it faces you first thing in the morning yukkkkk.
    Hugs Mary.

  21. I cannot stand dishes in the sink or a dirty sink. That’s what dishwasher are for. My house may be dusty (I live near farm land and it’s inevitable) but my kitchen must be clean. I’m going to go check out her book. Thanks for the info.

  22. I cannot stand dishes in the sink or a dirty sink. That’s what dishwasher are for. My house may be dusty (I live near farm land and it’s inevitable) but my kitchen must be clean. I’m going to go check out her book. Thanks for the info.

  23. Glory you would not want to see my sink. I am single and I try to spend as little time in the kitchen as possible. I pretty much live in my studio. To say the least I usually do the dishes once I start running out of plates or silverware! I was married for a long time to a man who would complain about the dishes, but not help clean them. Lets just say I am not married to him anymore and if I don’t want to do the dishes, I don’t. (I am sticking my tongue out right now! LOL!) So take that x-husband!

  24. Glory you would not want to see my sink. I am single and I try to spend as little time in the kitchen as possible. I pretty much live in my studio. To say the least I usually do the dishes once I start running out of plates or silverware! I was married for a long time to a man who would complain about the dishes, but not help clean them. Lets just say I am not married to him anymore and if I don’t want to do the dishes, I don’t. (I am sticking my tongue out right now! LOL!) So take that x-husband!