This and That

I didn't get to post early this morning as I usually do.  Two issues were behind the situation.

One, I didn't have much of interest to share, and two, Sophie and I took a nap when I got home from work yesterday afternoon.  Typically I will compose a post or two a day or so in advance and schedule it to publish in the early hours of the morning, so my East Coast friends can catch up with me while they enjoy their morning coffee.

I feel very lethargic and lacking in any sort of pep or energy this week.  All I want to do is sit in the sunshine and watch the flowers start to bloom!  I wish I could tell you that the photo above is a little arbor in my very own garden, but alas, I am not so fortunate.  I do love wisteria however, and the vine I have in my yard is about to burst into bloom.  For some reason, the previous owners of my house made an unfortunate decision when they planted the vine.  It is stuck in a back corner of the garden, and has several bushes and a tree planted right in front of it!  It should be a focal point, but no such luck.

I took a few photos of the blocks I have finished for Beach Cottage, but the lighting was so horrible, I cannot bear to show them to you.  I will take some more pictures this afternoon when the light is better.  If I showed you the ones I took in poor lighting, you would wonder what the heck I was even thinking, using such ugly fabric!  But trust me, the fabric is far from ugly and the quilt will be really pretty.

We have heard from Ahren, who is in Ireland, visiting his girlfriend.  He arrived safely, except that one of the boxes he took with him didn't make it onto the flight.  He packed two boxes to take with him, one containing his favorite, most precious books that he wanted to share with Mary Ann, and another box containing his Staub enameled cast iron soup pot.  Have you ever known anyone who went on vacation with their soup pot?  Well, my son is one of a kind.  Evidently he thinks that his success with his soup making (which he also wanted to share) is dependent on the use of his favorite pot.  The pot made it to Dublin, but not the books.Staub

He tried to carry on the box of books, but it would not fit into the overhead bin (I told him it wouldn't), so he had to get off the plane with it and check it through.  But, the plane took off before the books got on board.  I am confident the books will find him though.  Airlines are so good about reuniting passengers with their belongings.

Added later:  My husband forgot to ask him if the quilt arrived.  Can you believe it?  Surely he didn't pack the quilt in with the books.  Would he?  No, surely not.  I may have to wait until Sunday to find out!

When Ahren phoned us to say he had arrived, he and his love were on their way into the country to visit the first of many sacred sites to be found.  They are interested in dolmens, which are burial tombs or ritualistic structures made from gigantic boulders, typically with a large cap stone on the top.  Very ancient, very sacred.  And after a long day out in the fresh air, they can go back to her house and have soup.  lol


18 responses to “This and That”

  1. I’ve been recovering from a migraine myself. Bla! But my question is… when is it our turn to go to Ireland!?! I mean, seriously!

  2. I’ve been recovering from a migraine myself. Bla! But my question is… when is it our turn to go to Ireland!?! I mean, seriously!

  3. Hurry!! We NEED to know!! Did the quilt make it???????? …and did she love it?? That’s the most important part!!

  4. Hurry!! We NEED to know!! Did the quilt make it???????? …and did she love it?? That’s the most important part!!

  5. Oh my – *fingers crossed tight* please let the quilt have made it safely! I’ll be on pins and needles to find out! And to find out what she said when she gets it! This is such a romantic story!

  6. Oh my – *fingers crossed tight* please let the quilt have made it safely! I’ll be on pins and needles to find out! And to find out what she said when she gets it! This is such a romantic story!

  7. The quilt, OMG….we’ll all be in suspense until you hear from Ahren!!
    I hope he and is lass have the nicest time.
    Napping on Monday, you must have had a busy weekend.

  8. The quilt, OMG….we’ll all be in suspense until you hear from Ahren!!
    I hope he and is lass have the nicest time.
    Napping on Monday, you must have had a busy weekend.

  9. Now I have heard it all. A man who travels with his soup pot. Must be some damn good soup. Will be on the edge of my seat until we find out the quilt made it too! This is like a two-part mini-series and we’re all waiting for the happy ending.

  10. Now I have heard it all. A man who travels with his soup pot. Must be some damn good soup. Will be on the edge of my seat until we find out the quilt made it too! This is like a two-part mini-series and we’re all waiting for the happy ending.

  11. We’ve traveled with our soup pot before…twice. Once we flew with it and another time, it just went in the car. Some things just NEED that certain right pot.
    Surely his mother told him to carry the quilt on, right? Right?

  12. We’ve traveled with our soup pot before…twice. Once we flew with it and another time, it just went in the car. Some things just NEED that certain right pot.
    Surely his mother told him to carry the quilt on, right? Right?

  13. Nicole,
    I am getting caught up on your blog this afternoon. Sorry to hear about your son’s box not making the trip. My daughter had a traveling job for a year and once it took weeks before she was reunited with her lost luggage. Finally, after describing every tiny thing that was in the luggage and the cost to replace everything–including spendy bras—amazingly, her lost luggage showed up immediately after the detailed paper work was submitted. Tell him to keep after the airline. Hope he has a wonderful trip. Sounds quite romantic to me! 🙂
    Beverly in WA

  14. Nicole,
    I am getting caught up on your blog this afternoon. Sorry to hear about your son’s box not making the trip. My daughter had a traveling job for a year and once it took weeks before she was reunited with her lost luggage. Finally, after describing every tiny thing that was in the luggage and the cost to replace everything–including spendy bras—amazingly, her lost luggage showed up immediately after the detailed paper work was submitted. Tell him to keep after the airline. Hope he has a wonderful trip. Sounds quite romantic to me! 🙂
    Beverly in WA