I’m A Starter

I'm a Starter.  Someone used those words in a comment to me on yesterday's post.  The words rang true.

So often I get very excited about tackling a new project.  I am full of passion, fire, and determination.  I set a goal and prepare everything I need to succeed in my endeavor—whatever it is.  I may even make a fabulous beginning.  And then.   Things get de-railed.  Things slow down.  Things happen.  Things stop.

I lose momentum.

I am not a procrastinator, and I am not afraid of failure.  I dive right in, but life intervenes, and then….The progress stops.  I lose focus.  I do not Follow Through.

Are any of you like me?  You notice your pants are tight.  Oh no, is that a double chin?  Muffin top over the jeans?  A DIET is in order!  You gather your resources, buy a new diet book, a diet scale, stock the fridge with diet friendly foods.  And that is as far as you get.


This is a photo of some of the diet books on my book shelf.  The purchase of each one represents a fresh start at eating right, losing those last 10 pounds and dropping a dress size.  I buy the book and think my work is done.  If I lost ten pounds for every book shown in that picture, I would have lost 130 pounds.  (Of course I would also be dead since there aren't many 25 pound adults walking around).  I may fill the pantry with Lean Cuisine, carrot sticks and mineral water.  I start a new Weight Loss Journal.  I bought the book for goodness sake, that ought to do the trick.  And the first time someone tempts me with lunch at a restaurant to celebrate________(fill in the blank), I loose focus.  Eating a couple of pieces of bread that night with dinner seems like an ok idea.  After all, I did blow it at lunch.  I'm not THAT fat, am I?  And so on and so on.


The house is looking pretty grungy.  Dust on the furniture, scum on the tub, streaks on the windows.  I know!  I need New Cleaning Products!  A trip to the store, $60 worth of new housecleaning aids and I am good to go.  My work is done.   They don't clean the place all on their own?  Just buying them isn't enough?  Really?  I have to DO something with them?????

You all know how great I am at starting brilliant new quilting projects, as you saw evidence of them in yesterday's post.  I get inspired with a pattern, a fabric group, or someone else's great work, and think "Ah ha!  I must begin a new project!"  That is just great, but when you are a Starter and not a Finisher, that is a problem.  Oh, I know I finish plenty of stuff.  I crank out more quilts than most people I know.  But I sure as heck start a lot more of them that don't get finished! 

So.  Here's the thing.  I think the key to finishing is Creating Momentum.  Take small steps if you have to, but get started and make something happen.   Do a little bit every day, every week.  It will add up.

Write down your goal.  Estimate what it will take to get it done.  How much time do you need to spend?  Can you carve out some time every day to work towards this goal?  Do it.  Make it a habit.  Life getting in the way?  Think you don't have time?  Make it a priority .  Fit it in.  A half hour, an hour, whatever you can squeeze out.  Monitor your progress.    Do not lose momentum and do not lose focus.

Let's try it together.  Pick something you have set aside and make a vow that now you will get it done.  Just one thing, not ten.  We don't want to overwhelm anyone here.  Post it on your blog and update your progress every week until the project is done.  No deadline.  Just think of all the gorgeous projects that will get finished all over Blogland!!!!!!!!!  Share with me.  Honey, if you finish something I will sing it to the rafters on my blog.  Or, if that is too much for you,  I'll try it on my own and you all just sit back and watch.  We'll use the Flowers For Clara project I picked up yesterday as my Finish It project.  I need to complete a boatload of blocks, sew the blocks together, put on a border, and applique some vines and flowers on the border.  Think I can do it?  Without getting distracted?  Without starting something new and getting off track?  Ok, watch me now.  I will keep you all posted on how this goes.

86 responses to “I’m A Starter”

  1. Geez Nicole, I thought you were writing about me this morning when I read this. I’m embarassed to show how many UFOs there are in my Closet of Shame. The cabinets full of cleaning products looks familiar as well. I really have the best of intentions….really. I think if I were tested now they would find I have adult ADD. As soon as something pretty comes into my field of vision, I just have to start…..OOOOooooo prettyshinythingsooooooo
    I will finish one thing this weekend….really!

  2. Geez Nicole, I thought you were writing about me this morning when I read this. I’m embarassed to show how many UFOs there are in my Closet of Shame. The cabinets full of cleaning products looks familiar as well. I really have the best of intentions….really. I think if I were tested now they would find I have adult ADD. As soon as something pretty comes into my field of vision, I just have to start…..OOOOooooo prettyshinythingsooooooo
    I will finish one thing this weekend….really!

  3. I *love*, adore starting. It’s so full of potential, rife with as-of-yet unexplored possibilities. I miss that new-whatever-smell after awhile, lose interest and off I go to the next thing that’s completely enraptured me for the time being.
    I am 100% new to quilting, and I already have three unfinished quilts. I don’t have enough blocks to make *anything* yet. The only stuff I’ve managed to finish are bags. Lots of bags.
    Let’s not go into the I Am Turning Over a New Diet Leaf thing, as I sit here in jeans that may in fact burst at some point during the day if I am not careful.
    Ok – I will support you, I’ll join this “finish something” movement. My weekend starts tomorrow, and by Saturday night, I will have a working quilt top! It will probably be small, and it will probably suck, but it’ll be my first.
    Go team!

  4. I *love*, adore starting. It’s so full of potential, rife with as-of-yet unexplored possibilities. I miss that new-whatever-smell after awhile, lose interest and off I go to the next thing that’s completely enraptured me for the time being.
    I am 100% new to quilting, and I already have three unfinished quilts. I don’t have enough blocks to make *anything* yet. The only stuff I’ve managed to finish are bags. Lots of bags.
    Let’s not go into the I Am Turning Over a New Diet Leaf thing, as I sit here in jeans that may in fact burst at some point during the day if I am not careful.
    Ok – I will support you, I’ll join this “finish something” movement. My weekend starts tomorrow, and by Saturday night, I will have a working quilt top! It will probably be small, and it will probably suck, but it’ll be my first.
    Go team!

  5. I too {heart} starting! Probably the reason that my husband hates when I walk into a quilt store!!!
    Here’s to both of us finishing something that we’ve already started!

  6. I too {heart} starting! Probably the reason that my husband hates when I walk into a quilt store!!!
    Here’s to both of us finishing something that we’ve already started!

  7. Oh, yeah, I’m a BIG TIME starter. I often don’t even make it past the design stage before I’m distracted by something else. Fortunately, I live with my mom (who’s a finisher). If I do manage to get the thing mostly made, she volunteers to step in and add that border, or put on that binding. I’m very lucky, I know. She even sews entire quilts that I’ve designed. We often collaborate, with me writing up the instructions and cutting the fabric, then handing them off to her to sew. She’s retired, so she has a lot more free time! I do manage to get some sewing in myself, but I need to commit to sewing for a little bit every day when I get home from work. I have no excuses, just a tendency toward laziness. I find myself semi-comatose in front of the television instead of sewing. So… I’ll think about your challenge. Hey, it’s a step!

  8. Oh, yeah, I’m a BIG TIME starter. I often don’t even make it past the design stage before I’m distracted by something else. Fortunately, I live with my mom (who’s a finisher). If I do manage to get the thing mostly made, she volunteers to step in and add that border, or put on that binding. I’m very lucky, I know. She even sews entire quilts that I’ve designed. We often collaborate, with me writing up the instructions and cutting the fabric, then handing them off to her to sew. She’s retired, so she has a lot more free time! I do manage to get some sewing in myself, but I need to commit to sewing for a little bit every day when I get home from work. I have no excuses, just a tendency toward laziness. I find myself semi-comatose in front of the television instead of sewing. So… I’ll think about your challenge. Hey, it’s a step!

  9. Question for you Nicole…how many BOM projects have you started? How many have you finished? I am slowly eliminating my BOM clubs. I am so tempted to start the next ones coming up but I have some wonderful kits, quilts completely selected and sorted into project boxes (including a civil war era that my teeth ache to start) but I can’t get to them because of my BOM’s. I was 4 months behind on my Thimbleberries BOM, I haven’t even touched my Fat Quarter Shop Designer Mystery Quilt BOM yet (except to lay out and fondle the beautiful fabrics every now and then. You know I’ve never worked with reds…can you believe it and this BOM has some beautiful reds in it…oh dear, better leave that alone just now). We just finished one BOM class in August and all the lovely blocks have just been sitting there waiting to become a quilt, and then there is my second Saturday BOM. I was getting ready to join 2 more and I suddenly realized that if I keep this up, I’ll never, NEVER get to my own projects, including a Desert Sunset kit done in breathtaking bright and deep rich southwestern batiks, that I bought in a lovely shop in Sedona Arizona last July. I finally got a grip on myself. I spent the last few days catching up on the Thimbleberries and second Saturday. All caught up. The one that finished up in August is on my table as we speak getting sashings and borders added to finish, I came to grips with the fact that the Designer Mystery BOM from FQS would have to just wait until everything was here for it then it will be kit I can work on when I’m ready. But if I’m succesful in my ‘FINISH IT’ schedule and don’t join anymore BOM’s, I will totally be finished with the really time consuming ones in December. That is the last Thimbleberries class. The quilt will be ready to assemble and I will be able to start any project I choose, GUILT FREE…LOL. I will continue the second saturday clubs as they are set on beginner level and I just pick up the block each month (free if the prior month is done) come home and have it done in just 30 minutes or so and it is a beautiful fabric collection from Maywood Studios, AND…I do each months block in 3 different colorways, choosing from my stash for the other two so that when they are finished I will have some really nice gift quilts. THEN I can work on anything I choose including the Civil War or Desert Sunset (which my hubby is voting for). But I have to make sure I FINISH IT!!! December seems a long way off right now but we did get 15″ of snow in the mountains yesterday and my furnace kicked on this morning after the house dropped to 65 degrees…so I guess December isn’t really that far. 30 degrees outside right now, brrrrrr! I’m not even going to address the issues of my house cleaning and trying to cut down on the cola’s I drink…Nope, not goin’ there today. Your post will surely touch everyone who reads it on some level. FINISH IT should be my new mantra.

  10. Question for you Nicole…how many BOM projects have you started? How many have you finished? I am slowly eliminating my BOM clubs. I am so tempted to start the next ones coming up but I have some wonderful kits, quilts completely selected and sorted into project boxes (including a civil war era that my teeth ache to start) but I can’t get to them because of my BOM’s. I was 4 months behind on my Thimbleberries BOM, I haven’t even touched my Fat Quarter Shop Designer Mystery Quilt BOM yet (except to lay out and fondle the beautiful fabrics every now and then. You know I’ve never worked with reds…can you believe it and this BOM has some beautiful reds in it…oh dear, better leave that alone just now). We just finished one BOM class in August and all the lovely blocks have just been sitting there waiting to become a quilt, and then there is my second Saturday BOM. I was getting ready to join 2 more and I suddenly realized that if I keep this up, I’ll never, NEVER get to my own projects, including a Desert Sunset kit done in breathtaking bright and deep rich southwestern batiks, that I bought in a lovely shop in Sedona Arizona last July. I finally got a grip on myself. I spent the last few days catching up on the Thimbleberries and second Saturday. All caught up. The one that finished up in August is on my table as we speak getting sashings and borders added to finish, I came to grips with the fact that the Designer Mystery BOM from FQS would have to just wait until everything was here for it then it will be kit I can work on when I’m ready. But if I’m succesful in my ‘FINISH IT’ schedule and don’t join anymore BOM’s, I will totally be finished with the really time consuming ones in December. That is the last Thimbleberries class. The quilt will be ready to assemble and I will be able to start any project I choose, GUILT FREE…LOL. I will continue the second saturday clubs as they are set on beginner level and I just pick up the block each month (free if the prior month is done) come home and have it done in just 30 minutes or so and it is a beautiful fabric collection from Maywood Studios, AND…I do each months block in 3 different colorways, choosing from my stash for the other two so that when they are finished I will have some really nice gift quilts. THEN I can work on anything I choose including the Civil War or Desert Sunset (which my hubby is voting for). But I have to make sure I FINISH IT!!! December seems a long way off right now but we did get 15″ of snow in the mountains yesterday and my furnace kicked on this morning after the house dropped to 65 degrees…so I guess December isn’t really that far. 30 degrees outside right now, brrrrrr! I’m not even going to address the issues of my house cleaning and trying to cut down on the cola’s I drink…Nope, not goin’ there today. Your post will surely touch everyone who reads it on some level. FINISH IT should be my new mantra.

  11. Wow! I think you’ve described ME perfectly! I am a (relatively)new quilter and have 4 unfinished quilts. Some are further along than others, but the excitement is now gone. I think I just really enjoy the picking out fabrics!
    I will join you in your adventure and post something similiar on my blog. My project will be finishing my parent’s quilt which is their Christmas gift. It’s sandwiched and ready for quilting. Thank you for the inspiration! Hopefully we can all keep each other motivated in blogland.

  12. Wow! I think you’ve described ME perfectly! I am a (relatively)new quilter and have 4 unfinished quilts. Some are further along than others, but the excitement is now gone. I think I just really enjoy the picking out fabrics!
    I will join you in your adventure and post something similiar on my blog. My project will be finishing my parent’s quilt which is their Christmas gift. It’s sandwiched and ready for quilting. Thank you for the inspiration! Hopefully we can all keep each other motivated in blogland.

  13. I wish I was a starter! The actually starting of the project is where I get stalled. Once it’s started, I’m usually pretty good (at least until I get to the borders, which is my next stopping point!), but I’m always hesitant to take that first step. Maybe I should send my projects to you to start them, then I’ll pick it up from there? :o)

  14. I wish I was a starter! The actually starting of the project is where I get stalled. Once it’s started, I’m usually pretty good (at least until I get to the borders, which is my next stopping point!), but I’m always hesitant to take that first step. Maybe I should send my projects to you to start them, then I’ll pick it up from there? :o)

  15. I love this idea. And I have the perfect quilt to do this with……it’s only been a year and a half since I started it – what better time to finish it?

  16. I love this idea. And I have the perfect quilt to do this with……it’s only been a year and a half since I started it – what better time to finish it?

  17. Carolyn, swing by my house for more!
    Honestly, I think we have the same mother. My hubby just sighs when we’re traveling and I spot yet another quilt shop! At home, all my gatherings/projects are put in individual huge plastic bags for future completion, pattern included. That’s so they are out of the way of the many I have OUT of the bag and partially completed. Or is that “started”? No, I like “partially completed”!

  18. Carolyn, swing by my house for more!
    Honestly, I think we have the same mother. My hubby just sighs when we’re traveling and I spot yet another quilt shop! At home, all my gatherings/projects are put in individual huge plastic bags for future completion, pattern included. That’s so they are out of the way of the many I have OUT of the bag and partially completed. Or is that “started”? No, I like “partially completed”!

  19. Ok, ok, so what if my nephew has just turned 3 and his baby quilt is still sitting on my quilting machine table waiting to be quilted. Started the quilt before he was born, finished the top when he was 1 and well, you already know the rest. I’m with you Nicole. Lets “get er done”

  20. Ok, ok, so what if my nephew has just turned 3 and his baby quilt is still sitting on my quilting machine table waiting to be quilted. Started the quilt before he was born, finished the top when he was 1 and well, you already know the rest. I’m with you Nicole. Lets “get er done”

  21. Your post made me laugh, and if you read my post for today you will too. We’re a pair, you trying to complete one project and me trying to start multiples. But really we’re both alike, trying to do something out of our comfort zones, something that does not come easy to us, and knowing all we need is to stick to a plan.
    Good luck to you as you work on staying focused, and good luck to me while I try not to get my freak on for being overly focused.
    Hopefully we’ll be toasting both of our successes!

  22. Your post made me laugh, and if you read my post for today you will too. We’re a pair, you trying to complete one project and me trying to start multiples. But really we’re both alike, trying to do something out of our comfort zones, something that does not come easy to us, and knowing all we need is to stick to a plan.
    Good luck to you as you work on staying focused, and good luck to me while I try not to get my freak on for being overly focused.
    Hopefully we’ll be toasting both of our successes!

  23. I’m not much of a finisher either but my stalling point is when the quilt top is done. Quilting and binding the top is not my favorite part of the process but it’s what makes the quilt beautiful. I’m working really hard to overcome this flaw in my creative process. In October I have 3 tops I want to quilt and bind. Wish me luck.

  24. I’m not much of a finisher either but my stalling point is when the quilt top is done. Quilting and binding the top is not my favorite part of the process but it’s what makes the quilt beautiful. I’m working really hard to overcome this flaw in my creative process. In October I have 3 tops I want to quilt and bind. Wish me luck.

  25. Nicole, I once got one of those fancy exercise bikes with the bells and whistles–looked more like a NASA space vehicle than exercise equipment. It sat in the basement for several years, and I never lost a pound–in fact, I gained a few. Got rid of that thing.

  26. Nicole, I once got one of those fancy exercise bikes with the bells and whistles–looked more like a NASA space vehicle than exercise equipment. It sat in the basement for several years, and I never lost a pound–in fact, I gained a few. Got rid of that thing.

  27. Oh Nicole, when did you come to my place and photographed my bookshelves and cleaning cupboard? I don’t know what’s the matter with those books they just aren’t doing the job they are supposed to. What I’m supposed to make an effort and follow the instructions? As for cleaning there is always something more important to do until the day before company is expected then it is a wild rush – feels good when it is done though.
    As far as quilting projects are concerned, there are only two on the go, but don’t talk about the other started projects – knitting, cross stitch, crocheting, photography, Photoshop, Italian and calligraphy lessons and I could go on and on.
    I don’t have a blog but I will join you in going for a finish – today cleaning the pantry and finishing a knitted scarf (its getting cold here in Quebec).
    I look forward to an update of your progress.
    P.S. the diet starts today (again)!!!

  28. Oh Nicole, when did you come to my place and photographed my bookshelves and cleaning cupboard? I don’t know what’s the matter with those books they just aren’t doing the job they are supposed to. What I’m supposed to make an effort and follow the instructions? As for cleaning there is always something more important to do until the day before company is expected then it is a wild rush – feels good when it is done though.
    As far as quilting projects are concerned, there are only two on the go, but don’t talk about the other started projects – knitting, cross stitch, crocheting, photography, Photoshop, Italian and calligraphy lessons and I could go on and on.
    I don’t have a blog but I will join you in going for a finish – today cleaning the pantry and finishing a knitted scarf (its getting cold here in Quebec).
    I look forward to an update of your progress.
    P.S. the diet starts today (again)!!!

  29. It’s so good to take little steps and make big progress. I think you’re absolutely right to just choose one project to finish. I have a Miss Rosie quilt that my dh commissioned me to make for him this spring that I’m still in the process of cutting out. My stumbling block is that it’s all scrappy – so I’m afraid I won’t “do it right” – you know, that I’ll cut the wrong fat quarter and it won’t look right. Isn’t that silly? It’s a scrap quilt, for pity sake!!!! 🙂 I just need to keep at it. I may only be able to fit in 15 minutes a day right now, but I think I’ll take that as my “to be completed” project. 🙂

  30. It’s so good to take little steps and make big progress. I think you’re absolutely right to just choose one project to finish. I have a Miss Rosie quilt that my dh commissioned me to make for him this spring that I’m still in the process of cutting out. My stumbling block is that it’s all scrappy – so I’m afraid I won’t “do it right” – you know, that I’ll cut the wrong fat quarter and it won’t look right. Isn’t that silly? It’s a scrap quilt, for pity sake!!!! 🙂 I just need to keep at it. I may only be able to fit in 15 minutes a day right now, but I think I’ll take that as my “to be completed” project. 🙂

  31. NO, no you described me. I LOVE starting a project. It’s like a bike ride – you hop on and sail off until you come to a hill. What? this isn’t fun- it’s work. But if we keep going we sail up the hill( OK walk the bike up the hill!!) and keep on riding. We finish the ride all sweaty and happy…with the quilt finished…OK not a very good analogy but it works for me! I guess the secret is to keep pedaling….and don’t let any fancy bikes or different paths distract us…
    I need a rest now…whew!
    Take care!

  32. NO, no you described me. I LOVE starting a project. It’s like a bike ride – you hop on and sail off until you come to a hill. What? this isn’t fun- it’s work. But if we keep going we sail up the hill( OK walk the bike up the hill!!) and keep on riding. We finish the ride all sweaty and happy…with the quilt finished…OK not a very good analogy but it works for me! I guess the secret is to keep pedaling….and don’t let any fancy bikes or different paths distract us…
    I need a rest now…whew!
    Take care!

  33. Nicole, now I know why I love to read your blog. We are so much alike! My favorite part of quilting is picking out the new fabric and the new project. I come home so excited to get started. And I do start. The only trouble is there’s always a new project and new fabric. I will see something on yours on someone elses blog that I think I just have to make. I can’t(I won’t) even guess how many unfinished projects I have. I will have to live to be 100 to ever finish them. And I won’t even go into the dieting. I love watching Biggest Looser while I eat my Cheetos.LOL
    I don’t have a blog but I will try to stick with a project and finish it. I just need to push my way through the sewing room and find the perfect project to work on.

  34. Nicole, now I know why I love to read your blog. We are so much alike! My favorite part of quilting is picking out the new fabric and the new project. I come home so excited to get started. And I do start. The only trouble is there’s always a new project and new fabric. I will see something on yours on someone elses blog that I think I just have to make. I can’t(I won’t) even guess how many unfinished projects I have. I will have to live to be 100 to ever finish them. And I won’t even go into the dieting. I love watching Biggest Looser while I eat my Cheetos.LOL
    I don’t have a blog but I will try to stick with a project and finish it. I just need to push my way through the sewing room and find the perfect project to work on.

  35. I am totally a starter too. Sometimes I just get far enough to buy the fabric! There’s a set of posts about this on Unclutterer. If you want the link, let me know!

  36. I am totally a starter too. Sometimes I just get far enough to buy the fabric! There’s a set of posts about this on Unclutterer. If you want the link, let me know!

  37. I find it motivates me to finish an old project if I dangle the hot, new project in front of myself like a carrot. I don’t start the new one until the old one is finished. I can really zip through the old one (which was once the hot, new one) if I’m itching to start the new one. Anyhow, works for me.

  38. I find it motivates me to finish an old project if I dangle the hot, new project in front of myself like a carrot. I don’t start the new one until the old one is finished. I can really zip through the old one (which was once the hot, new one) if I’m itching to start the new one. Anyhow, works for me.

  39. Wow! I thought you were writing about me here. I too seem to like to start things but then get too easily sidetracked or run into a wall and just as easily put it down and move on. From all the comments I see I am not alone. Is this a good thing? At least I’m in good company. So, here goes “Finish it! Finish it! Finish it!” Are you going to keep us motivated?

  40. Wow! I thought you were writing about me here. I too seem to like to start things but then get too easily sidetracked or run into a wall and just as easily put it down and move on. From all the comments I see I am not alone. Is this a good thing? At least I’m in good company. So, here goes “Finish it! Finish it! Finish it!” Are you going to keep us motivated?

  41. It looks like there are a lot of us out here just like you….I could have written that post.
    Okay…I’ll see if I can pick a project and get it finished. Challenge accepted!

  42. It looks like there are a lot of us out here just like you….I could have written that post.
    Okay…I’ll see if I can pick a project and get it finished. Challenge accepted!

  43. it is a double-edged sword. i am completely the opposite of this. i am goal oriented. in fact, i start a project, i finish it. the problem is, that i get very focused and driven and obsessed with it that i don’t stop til it’s done.
    i personally think it is better to be a bit of both. you get enthusiastic about new things and you are having fun. why don’t you try to do a ufo month every three or four months instead. this month is a ufo month. work a little on each and every one… then do new things since you like it so much…

  44. it is a double-edged sword. i am completely the opposite of this. i am goal oriented. in fact, i start a project, i finish it. the problem is, that i get very focused and driven and obsessed with it that i don’t stop til it’s done.
    i personally think it is better to be a bit of both. you get enthusiastic about new things and you are having fun. why don’t you try to do a ufo month every three or four months instead. this month is a ufo month. work a little on each and every one… then do new things since you like it so much…

  45. I totally understand this concept…I’m there, too. But I also realized a few years ago that some people just do things differently. Maybe you can be a starter and let someone be the finisher. It works in the carpentry trades. A builder doesn’t always do the whole house. Someone frames, someone does the interior finishing. Interior finishers usually do not like the outside work. Others find the finishing too tedious and not “big” enough. So maybe starting is okay…just find a partner who will finish. You start hers, she finishes yours. Keep us posted.

  46. I totally understand this concept…I’m there, too. But I also realized a few years ago that some people just do things differently. Maybe you can be a starter and let someone be the finisher. It works in the carpentry trades. A builder doesn’t always do the whole house. Someone frames, someone does the interior finishing. Interior finishers usually do not like the outside work. Others find the finishing too tedious and not “big” enough. So maybe starting is okay…just find a partner who will finish. You start hers, she finishes yours. Keep us posted.

  47. Every Jan I write down my quilting goals and a few years ago it was to “finish” things. I made a lot of lists with headings, Blocks all made, Needs borders, needs backing & binding, Needs quilting, etc. As I did some things they moved off one list and on to the next. It was amazing how many projects were VERY close to finished. Some are now in the Needs Quilted slot and you would think being a longarm quilter I would have my tops quilted. Customer tops always come first and even though I only quilt part time, there always seems to be another top on my machine. My studio is currently my single gargage and kitchen table. Once I move at months end, I will have dedicated space for quilting and piecing. Will that make me more productive? I’m thinking so, but I’ll let you all know!

  48. Every Jan I write down my quilting goals and a few years ago it was to “finish” things. I made a lot of lists with headings, Blocks all made, Needs borders, needs backing & binding, Needs quilting, etc. As I did some things they moved off one list and on to the next. It was amazing how many projects were VERY close to finished. Some are now in the Needs Quilted slot and you would think being a longarm quilter I would have my tops quilted. Customer tops always come first and even though I only quilt part time, there always seems to be another top on my machine. My studio is currently my single gargage and kitchen table. Once I move at months end, I will have dedicated space for quilting and piecing. Will that make me more productive? I’m thinking so, but I’ll let you all know!

  49. I, too, relate! Especially the part about the diet books. and videos. and related accoutrements… AND the quilting. AND the cleaning. I can’t believe it’s not enough to buy the equipment; I have to DO something, too? What’s up with that??

  50. I, too, relate! Especially the part about the diet books. and videos. and related accoutrements… AND the quilting. AND the cleaning. I can’t believe it’s not enough to buy the equipment; I have to DO something, too? What’s up with that??

  51. OK…today I will fold the clean underpants that have been sitting in a pile on my dresser since I washed them last week! Thank you for the inspiration.

  52. OK…today I will fold the clean underpants that have been sitting in a pile on my dresser since I washed them last week! Thank you for the inspiration.

  53. I just signed up for an UFO challenge to try to “fix” my little issue with finishing stuff. My biggest problem is that I easily get bored when I see how an idea turn out, however happy I am with the result. It’s more fun to start something new and exciting; I quilt for fun, don’t I??
    Going through my sewing room looking for UFOs, I found so much that I wanted to finish, and am working at it every day.
    I would love to join your challenge though; I have a project that I love, but it feels like it will take forever, and I need the motivation and a plan to get it done…

  54. I just signed up for an UFO challenge to try to “fix” my little issue with finishing stuff. My biggest problem is that I easily get bored when I see how an idea turn out, however happy I am with the result. It’s more fun to start something new and exciting; I quilt for fun, don’t I??
    Going through my sewing room looking for UFOs, I found so much that I wanted to finish, and am working at it every day.
    I would love to join your challenge though; I have a project that I love, but it feels like it will take forever, and I need the motivation and a plan to get it done…

  55. I loved your post because it is so true of me also. You ought to see my excerise DVD collection! This was the year I was only going to finish my UFOs. Instead I joined 2 BOM clubs. These tend to be the only quilts I finish in a timely manner. We can root for one another.

  56. I loved your post because it is so true of me also. You ought to see my excerise DVD collection! This was the year I was only going to finish my UFOs. Instead I joined 2 BOM clubs. These tend to be the only quilts I finish in a timely manner. We can root for one another.

  57. Does this shine through or what… LOL I was in stitches, how does she know me I asked.. LOL I started doing a little bit here and there. I am getting complete one before you pick up the other… I didn’t used to that… but, I see how it caught up with me. I too will call this UFO month.

  58. Does this shine through or what… LOL I was in stitches, how does she know me I asked.. LOL I started doing a little bit here and there. I am getting complete one before you pick up the other… I didn’t used to that… but, I see how it caught up with me. I too will call this UFO month.

  59. I’m a starter too. I can have more passion than anyone but after a while….something happens and it stops. Normally to never be picked up again, at least not with the firey passion that began the whole thing.

  60. I’m a starter too. I can have more passion than anyone but after a while….something happens and it stops. Normally to never be picked up again, at least not with the firey passion that began the whole thing.

  61. I think the idea of starting something new is prevalent this time of year because it is in the fall. And in the fall, we start a new school year – we meet a new teacher – we make new friends – we get new clothes and new shoes – everything is fresh and clean and new. So, after all these years we still, at home, want this feeling of being able to start something new and do it better this time!!

  62. I think the idea of starting something new is prevalent this time of year because it is in the fall. And in the fall, we start a new school year – we meet a new teacher – we make new friends – we get new clothes and new shoes – everything is fresh and clean and new. So, after all these years we still, at home, want this feeling of being able to start something new and do it better this time!!

  63. I quit smoking 6 years ago and have been fighting to get the 20 pounds off, that I gained. I too, am unable to stick with a diet. I daily find reason to eat more than I should.
    And the quilting projects. Oh man.
    OK, baby steps. I promise to make some small steps forward.
    Thanks for the kick in the pants. I sooo needed it.
    As always, love to visit your blog.

  64. I quit smoking 6 years ago and have been fighting to get the 20 pounds off, that I gained. I too, am unable to stick with a diet. I daily find reason to eat more than I should.
    And the quilting projects. Oh man.
    OK, baby steps. I promise to make some small steps forward.
    Thanks for the kick in the pants. I sooo needed it.
    As always, love to visit your blog.

  65. I think I was the person who stated “I start” so many projects. I do finish some of them! I have enough fabric and projects in the making I don’t know if I will ever get them all completed. I am going to begin tomorrow or may be this weekend (hopefully) to finish something. 🙂
    Thank you for commenting on my new blog. My passion is really quilting. I will post some of my projects I have not finished and some I have that “just” needs quilting.

  66. I think I was the person who stated “I start” so many projects. I do finish some of them! I have enough fabric and projects in the making I don’t know if I will ever get them all completed. I am going to begin tomorrow or may be this weekend (hopefully) to finish something. 🙂
    Thank you for commenting on my new blog. My passion is really quilting. I will post some of my projects I have not finished and some I have that “just” needs quilting.

  67. Oh honey, I thought I would fall on the floor laughing when I first started reading your post. The reason I found you in the first place was because of an unfinished project…about 10 years old. When my teenagers were little, little, I would sew for them all the time and I had decided to make a quilt from all the scraps, I have started and stopped this quilt countless time, each time with a new pattern I wanted to try.Where has this got me over the last 10 years? not far. I started reading your blog looking for the quilt pattern Sisters Choice and got hooked on your writing. I am a freelance writer and have to decide where to spend my time, there are only so many hours in the day. Sometimes when I pull out my scraps for my quilt I feel guilty for not having finished it by now, but then it could be worse. I started a needle point when I was pregnant with my son and I still haven’t finished that either and my son will be turning 18 this fall! I think I have become rather Zen about these things, everything will happen in its own time.

  68. Oh honey, I thought I would fall on the floor laughing when I first started reading your post. The reason I found you in the first place was because of an unfinished project…about 10 years old. When my teenagers were little, little, I would sew for them all the time and I had decided to make a quilt from all the scraps, I have started and stopped this quilt countless time, each time with a new pattern I wanted to try.Where has this got me over the last 10 years? not far. I started reading your blog looking for the quilt pattern Sisters Choice and got hooked on your writing. I am a freelance writer and have to decide where to spend my time, there are only so many hours in the day. Sometimes when I pull out my scraps for my quilt I feel guilty for not having finished it by now, but then it could be worse. I started a needle point when I was pregnant with my son and I still haven’t finished that either and my son will be turning 18 this fall! I think I have become rather Zen about these things, everything will happen in its own time.

  69. I think when it comes to fabric, we’re all starters! It’s just too fun to come up with all the projects we maybe, might, possibly, someday be able to finish! I think it’s a great idea, so count me in! Oh, and by the way, the kids and I were just reading about Leonardo da Vinci, and he was a starter, too! So, maybe great minds just think alike!

  70. I think when it comes to fabric, we’re all starters! It’s just too fun to come up with all the projects we maybe, might, possibly, someday be able to finish! I think it’s a great idea, so count me in! Oh, and by the way, the kids and I were just reading about Leonardo da Vinci, and he was a starter, too! So, maybe great minds just think alike!

  71. Well, after reading the post and all the comments, I think there are dozens of us out here in cyberland. Sisters, aren’t we? Nicole, I think you and I have too many things in common. It looks like you store your started projects in plastic tubs, as I do. You have an extensive diet book collection, as I do. You admit to scum in the tub, streaks on the windows, and other housekeeping sins, as I do. And way back in the early summer, I believe it was you who had a seasonal decorating change-out using Tuscan accessories. Bingo! And, finally, from looking at all your ‘starts’ I can tell you and I have very – VERY – similar tastes in quilt patterns and fabrics! So, are you coming to the next family reunion?

  72. Well, after reading the post and all the comments, I think there are dozens of us out here in cyberland. Sisters, aren’t we? Nicole, I think you and I have too many things in common. It looks like you store your started projects in plastic tubs, as I do. You have an extensive diet book collection, as I do. You admit to scum in the tub, streaks on the windows, and other housekeeping sins, as I do. And way back in the early summer, I believe it was you who had a seasonal decorating change-out using Tuscan accessories. Bingo! And, finally, from looking at all your ‘starts’ I can tell you and I have very – VERY – similar tastes in quilt patterns and fabrics! So, are you coming to the next family reunion?

  73. I think you are my long lost twin. It sure is good to know I’m not the only one, seriously I feel so much better after reading this post, thank you 🙂 I can’t tell you how much crap I have sitting around the house (and it wouldn’t be crap if I would just use it) that I bought because “this is it, the thing that will help me accomplish________.” And for a few days, yeah it’s great and then…oh yawn, that old thing…gee too bad it didn’t work”. I have quite a few “finish it” it projects, I’ll have to give it some thought, but I love the no deadline thing, just do a little bit in little chunks and get it done…

  74. I think you are my long lost twin. It sure is good to know I’m not the only one, seriously I feel so much better after reading this post, thank you 🙂 I can’t tell you how much crap I have sitting around the house (and it wouldn’t be crap if I would just use it) that I bought because “this is it, the thing that will help me accomplish________.” And for a few days, yeah it’s great and then…oh yawn, that old thing…gee too bad it didn’t work”. I have quite a few “finish it” it projects, I’ll have to give it some thought, but I love the no deadline thing, just do a little bit in little chunks and get it done…

  75. I finished something! Now… it’s not what I said here I was going to finish, but I just hated looking at those ugly practice fabrics when I had some truly stunning other stuff lying around. So is it cheating that I finished a project that I also just started yesterday? Photos on the blog. 🙂
    Glad to hear I’m not alone in following the excitement of starting!

  76. I finished something! Now… it’s not what I said here I was going to finish, but I just hated looking at those ugly practice fabrics when I had some truly stunning other stuff lying around. So is it cheating that I finished a project that I also just started yesterday? Photos on the blog. 🙂
    Glad to hear I’m not alone in following the excitement of starting!

  77. A friend of mine refers to me as a ‘Collector’ rather than a quilter… collector of fabric, patterns, books etc. I too am a classic starter, but prefer to diferentiate between starters/finishers as process/ project quilters. Project quilters usually are working on one project at a time, only starting another when one is finished – the end product is the goal. Process quilters (like me!) are interested in the process of quilting – so apart from the odd pang of guilt, just enjoying picking things up and putting them down again. I tend to work on 3 to 4 things at a time – usually different techniques or colours i.e. piecing, applique, stitchery etc. And have some interesting ways of making sure I progress on work… either using a self-imposed time limit – using the egg timer – half an hour of housework and then half an hour of quilting. Or the length of thread rule – as I do most of my work by hand, I have a variety of pieces threaded up, and move between them, one length of thread at a time. When I tie off the thread, I rethread my needle, and it’s ready to be picked up again.

  78. A friend of mine refers to me as a ‘Collector’ rather than a quilter… collector of fabric, patterns, books etc. I too am a classic starter, but prefer to diferentiate between starters/finishers as process/ project quilters. Project quilters usually are working on one project at a time, only starting another when one is finished – the end product is the goal. Process quilters (like me!) are interested in the process of quilting – so apart from the odd pang of guilt, just enjoying picking things up and putting them down again. I tend to work on 3 to 4 things at a time – usually different techniques or colours i.e. piecing, applique, stitchery etc. And have some interesting ways of making sure I progress on work… either using a self-imposed time limit – using the egg timer – half an hour of housework and then half an hour of quilting. Or the length of thread rule – as I do most of my work by hand, I have a variety of pieces threaded up, and move between them, one length of thread at a time. When I tie off the thread, I rethread my needle, and it’s ready to be picked up again.

  79. Nicole, I clicked over from Mrs. Moen’s blog. I agree with the very first commenter…..I thought you were talking about me. Kind of freaky that someone else could be so similar, but reassuring at the same time, don’t you think? I’m going to check out some of your recent posts now. Thanks for the nudge and encouragement.

  80. Nicole, I clicked over from Mrs. Moen’s blog. I agree with the very first commenter…..I thought you were talking about me. Kind of freaky that someone else could be so similar, but reassuring at the same time, don’t you think? I’m going to check out some of your recent posts now. Thanks for the nudge and encouragement.