Look What Was Hiding In My Sewing Room


I took the lid off this project box, which I had neglected to label.  My jaw dropped and I must have looked down at the contents for a good 30 seconds.  How could I have forgotten about this?

25 blocks, in three variations.  All colored black, white, and raspberry.  I tell you, this must be what it feels like to be losing your memory.  I did remember making the blocks, and it was with surprise and fascination that I pulled out the pattern, called Samurai Squares.  Why had I put the project away?  Dunno. But here it is, saying "Hello!"

Maybe I was on some sort of cleaning rampage and felt I needed to clear the clutter in the sewing room.  I cleared the clutter all right, but I should have left myself a note to go back and revisit this project! 

There is just too much going on in my life.  Two jobs, two dogs, a big house to keep up, books to read, recipes to try, and a gazillion sewing projects I want to work on.  I think it is time to retire so I can stay home and focus on the dogs, the house, the books, the recipes and the sewing.  Something's gotta go and I think it should be the jobs, don't you?  My friend Lisa keeps a spread sheet with all her unfinished projects listed.  She also lists the fabric collections she buys and the patterns she has in mind for them.  That's it, I just need to be more organized.  Um, maybe I'll get a notebook or something.

Look at this wonderful collection of black and white prints!  Tone on tones, toiles, polka dots… all there.


I tell you, this is coming together this weekend or I will eat the plastic project box.

This reminds me of a recurring dream/nightmare I have.  I dream that I have a baby, but have sort of forgotten about it.  It is a good baby and stays in its crib and doesn't cry.  When I finally remember, "Oh, yeah, the BABY!!!" it hasn't had it's diaper changed for three months.  Or a variation of that dream–my daughter Sara is 8 years old, and I just realized I haven't bought her any clothes since she was 3.  Forgetting my quilting projects mid-way through?  Same principle.  Bad Nicole.  How COULD you forget about this wonderful project and let it languish away in a dark closet for a year?

Look what else was at the bottom of the box!  Black and white blocks for a baby quilt I want to make someday.  I don't need to buy any more fabric ever in my life.  I could shop at home Friends, and stay busy forever.


92 responses to “Look What Was Hiding In My Sewing Room”

  1. What a great find! My thoughts on the spread-sheet idea??: don’t do it 🙂 Just remember the cool feeling you got when you opened the box! I know…it doesn’t take much to make me happy!

  2. What a great find! My thoughts on the spread-sheet idea??: don’t do it 🙂 Just remember the cool feeling you got when you opened the box! I know…it doesn’t take much to make me happy!

  3. Both of those are gorgeous. And they look like they’re not far off being put together. Good luck getting them done! Can’t wait to see the finished tops.

  4. Both of those are gorgeous. And they look like they’re not far off being put together. Good luck getting them done! Can’t wait to see the finished tops.

  5. Oh my! And those are gorgeous. I’m with you – ditch the jobs and stay home to work on your other priorities. I am trying to get my husband to think that is a good idea for me, too.

  6. Oh my! And those are gorgeous. I’m with you – ditch the jobs and stay home to work on your other priorities. I am trying to get my husband to think that is a good idea for me, too.

  7. Do you think if I started to clean out my closets I’d find something spectacular like that? Not a chance!! What a find!!Good for you!! Now get sewing!

  8. Do you think if I started to clean out my closets I’d find something spectacular like that? Not a chance!! What a find!!Good for you!! Now get sewing!

  9. Wow! That’s got to be like Christmas all over again! Both of those projects will be gorgeous when finished! I finally listed my on-going projects in my computer, and update each one as it gets some progress done to it – don’t bother with keeping track of the various fabrics – that seems too much like work to me – fabrics come and fabrics go.

  10. Wow! That’s got to be like Christmas all over again! Both of those projects will be gorgeous when finished! I finally listed my on-going projects in my computer, and update each one as it gets some progress done to it – don’t bother with keeping track of the various fabrics – that seems too much like work to me – fabrics come and fabrics go.

  11. Those are definitely fabulous blocks! I never make black and white quilts, and when I see fabulous blocks like yours, I wonder why.
    I meant to tell you, I went to go get that Lush body bar (because it sounds like just what I need!), and I didn’t mind spending the $21 for the bar – but shipping was going to be almost $10! So, alas, I didn’t get it.

  12. Those are definitely fabulous blocks! I never make black and white quilts, and when I see fabulous blocks like yours, I wonder why.
    I meant to tell you, I went to go get that Lush body bar (because it sounds like just what I need!), and I didn’t mind spending the $21 for the bar – but shipping was going to be almost $10! So, alas, I didn’t get it.

  13. Whoa, checking in with you on a daily basis is sort of like watching a new Indiana Jones movie…there is always some new and unexpected surprise around each bend. Keep it up; I am so enjoying this!!!

  14. Whoa, checking in with you on a daily basis is sort of like watching a new Indiana Jones movie…there is always some new and unexpected surprise around each bend. Keep it up; I am so enjoying this!!!

  15. I have done that a lot lately with material I go down to my sewing room and open up boxes I have no memory of,, just think to myself I am one sick individual.

  16. I have done that a lot lately with material I go down to my sewing room and open up boxes I have no memory of,, just think to myself I am one sick individual.

  17. Ah, “Retired”. That’s a title I’d like someday! But unfortunately I’m rather fond of food, clothing, and shelter…
    I’m with you on the no spread sheet thing and definitely have to start labeling my plastic project boxes! Organizing is hard when what you really want to do is just sew. I love your hidden projects, they are way cool! (BTW, I used that black and white toile with the birds on the back of the black and white and red log cabin I made my mom!)

  18. Ah, “Retired”. That’s a title I’d like someday! But unfortunately I’m rather fond of food, clothing, and shelter…
    I’m with you on the no spread sheet thing and definitely have to start labeling my plastic project boxes! Organizing is hard when what you really want to do is just sew. I love your hidden projects, they are way cool! (BTW, I used that black and white toile with the birds on the back of the black and white and red log cabin I made my mom!)

  19. I do the same thing… found 2 projects the other night while looking for something else 🙂 I really do not need to buy any more fabric!
    Your quilt is lovely! I love black and white together.

  20. I do the same thing… found 2 projects the other night while looking for something else 🙂 I really do not need to buy any more fabric!
    Your quilt is lovely! I love black and white together.

  21. I know exactly how you feel Nicole! I can totally shop at home and plan to in 2010. I soooo look forward to the day I get up in the morning and go to my sewing room instead of work!
    Your “finds” are gorgeous! I love the colors and they are so close to being finished! What a treat!
    I found something fun on my iPhone the other day that may help me with my stash. There are a couple of apps called “Fabric Stash” and “Fabric Journal” where you can take pics, inventory, etc. At least I could admire my stash and UFOs virtually. Maybe it will remind me of what I’ve got! But I get my motivation seeing all your beautiful quilts!

  22. I know exactly how you feel Nicole! I can totally shop at home and plan to in 2010. I soooo look forward to the day I get up in the morning and go to my sewing room instead of work!
    Your “finds” are gorgeous! I love the colors and they are so close to being finished! What a treat!
    I found something fun on my iPhone the other day that may help me with my stash. There are a couple of apps called “Fabric Stash” and “Fabric Journal” where you can take pics, inventory, etc. At least I could admire my stash and UFOs virtually. Maybe it will remind me of what I’ve got! But I get my motivation seeing all your beautiful quilts!

  23. Oooh Nicole,
    I love the black & white baby blocks. Looks like a quilt sampler was going on. G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S!!!

  24. Oooh Nicole,
    I love the black & white baby blocks. Looks like a quilt sampler was going on. G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S!!!

  25. Please don’t eat the plastic box you will need it for another project.LOL
    I Love it when I find something as their is a real enthusiasm for the project and you will have it done in know time. Giving up the job sounds like it might be the answer.

  26. Please don’t eat the plastic box you will need it for another project.LOL
    I Love it when I find something as their is a real enthusiasm for the project and you will have it done in know time. Giving up the job sounds like it might be the answer.

  27. Wow, what a great “rediscovery”!
    The spreadsheet idea sounds pretty good……I need to get organised so I can finish things.

  28. Wow, what a great “rediscovery”!
    The spreadsheet idea sounds pretty good……I need to get organised so I can finish things.

  29. Hi Nicole, Lovely finds – I love the blocks in the first pictures – does it have a name?
    As far as retirement goes I hate to tell you that it is not a magic solution to time management. When I retired I thought I would have all the time in the world to indulge in my all favourite pass times and an immaculate home. It didn’t happen – I joined a quilting club, I joined a Quilting Guild, I joined a gym and just yesterday signed up for a Tai Chi class – I’m busy, I’m happy, I produce a bit of quilting and have a reasonably clean house but still have a long list of so many other things I WANT to do. You, on the other hand, produce so much more despite your two jobs – I think the reason is that when we have a limited amount of time we tend to be more organized, i.e. do certain things at scheduled times rather than when we feel like it.

  30. Hi Nicole, Lovely finds – I love the blocks in the first pictures – does it have a name?
    As far as retirement goes I hate to tell you that it is not a magic solution to time management. When I retired I thought I would have all the time in the world to indulge in my all favourite pass times and an immaculate home. It didn’t happen – I joined a quilting club, I joined a Quilting Guild, I joined a gym and just yesterday signed up for a Tai Chi class – I’m busy, I’m happy, I produce a bit of quilting and have a reasonably clean house but still have a long list of so many other things I WANT to do. You, on the other hand, produce so much more despite your two jobs – I think the reason is that when we have a limited amount of time we tend to be more organized, i.e. do certain things at scheduled times rather than when we feel like it.

  31. Nicole . . . I hate to tell you this . . . I remember you showing those black and white baby blocks . . . LOL . . .
    I love the one with the raspberry . . . I need to find that pattern . . . love it love it . . . I want to make it in girlie colors for my granddaughter . . . she just told me the other day that she just got her big girl bed . . . and that she’s almost 5 . . . and that I told her she could have a new quilt when she got her bed and turned 5 . . . LOL . . .
    as far as keeping track . . . I have a journal book where I keep all that info . . . UFO’s . . . fabric lines . . . labels that need making . . . bindings I have left to do . . . a separate page (or more) for each category . . . as I do them I cross them off . . .
    I keep a 2nd quilting journal for shopping . . . page for each shop . . . LOL . . .

  32. Nicole . . . I hate to tell you this . . . I remember you showing those black and white baby blocks . . . LOL . . .
    I love the one with the raspberry . . . I need to find that pattern . . . love it love it . . . I want to make it in girlie colors for my granddaughter . . . she just told me the other day that she just got her big girl bed . . . and that she’s almost 5 . . . and that I told her she could have a new quilt when she got her bed and turned 5 . . . LOL . . .
    as far as keeping track . . . I have a journal book where I keep all that info . . . UFO’s . . . fabric lines . . . labels that need making . . . bindings I have left to do . . . a separate page (or more) for each category . . . as I do them I cross them off . . .
    I keep a 2nd quilting journal for shopping . . . page for each shop . . . LOL . . .

  33. How exciting to find these blocks. Have fun putting them together and can’t wait to see the finished top. Thanks for your posts….always so much fun to read.

  34. How exciting to find these blocks. Have fun putting them together and can’t wait to see the finished top. Thanks for your posts….always so much fun to read.

  35. Unfortunately being “retired” doesn’t help all of the other issues! Ask how I know. How did I ever do everything before I was retired when I can’t now!!!
    Love black, white and red.

  36. Unfortunately being “retired” doesn’t help all of the other issues! Ask how I know. How did I ever do everything before I was retired when I can’t now!!!
    Love black, white and red.

  37. You know, I was thinking much of what Patty said–I clicked into the comments, and there were my thoughts on the first entry! Don’t overthink–just have fun and enjoy being surprised. After all, it’s a hobby/play-time activity. It’s going to be a beauty!

  38. You know, I was thinking much of what Patty said–I clicked into the comments, and there were my thoughts on the first entry! Don’t overthink–just have fun and enjoy being surprised. After all, it’s a hobby/play-time activity. It’s going to be a beauty!

  39. Retiring doesn’t always help. I don’t seem to get anymore done now than when I worked. And now I am babysitting my 3 month old grandson. I would never have to leave the house again-plenty to read and plenty of kits and fabric. Of course I was at the quilt store last Sat. Boy am I sick! My friends husband says it’s a denial of death. He could be right.

  40. Retiring doesn’t always help. I don’t seem to get anymore done now than when I worked. And now I am babysitting my 3 month old grandson. I would never have to leave the house again-plenty to read and plenty of kits and fabric. Of course I was at the quilt store last Sat. Boy am I sick! My friends husband says it’s a denial of death. He could be right.

  41. This quilt is stunning Nicole- I just love it-
    I can relate to never having to buy fabric again but what am I doing tomorrow- going with a friend to our favorite quilt stores- it will take real determination to not come home with any fabric ( I am not sure that I am that determined ROFLOL… We shall see.. I will let you know how I do…. :O)
    She will soon move away and we will get far fewer opportunities to go together…
    Happy quilting.

  42. This quilt is stunning Nicole- I just love it-
    I can relate to never having to buy fabric again but what am I doing tomorrow- going with a friend to our favorite quilt stores- it will take real determination to not come home with any fabric ( I am not sure that I am that determined ROFLOL… We shall see.. I will let you know how I do…. :O)
    She will soon move away and we will get far fewer opportunities to go together…
    Happy quilting.

  43. My Goodness Nicole If I had all that material I would think I had Died and gone to heaven all your materials are Fab.I hope you can give up work and enjoy your hobby.
    Hugs Mary.

  44. My Goodness Nicole If I had all that material I would think I had Died and gone to heaven all your materials are Fab.I hope you can give up work and enjoy your hobby.
    Hugs Mary.

  45. Hey Girl, you got some serious UFO’s at your house. I am so jealous…can I come and play? If I lived closer, I would be there in a flash with sewing machine in hand… your sewing room is so much fun !
    Love checking up on you, always something good. 🙂

  46. Hey Girl, you got some serious UFO’s at your house. I am so jealous…can I come and play? If I lived closer, I would be there in a flash with sewing machine in hand… your sewing room is so much fun !
    Love checking up on you, always something good. 🙂

  47. I LOVE this black, white and red top!! I hope you’re working on it this weekend, I’m eager to see it all put together!
    I like the idea of keeping a list of projects started and planned for the future, a pretty notebook sounds like a good idea.
    I have no experience with the meaning of dreams, but yours are hilarious, I guess you feel like you are neglecting something, too much in your life …..I don’t know. I LOVE retirement, give it a shot, you’ll not regret it!

  48. I LOVE this black, white and red top!! I hope you’re working on it this weekend, I’m eager to see it all put together!
    I like the idea of keeping a list of projects started and planned for the future, a pretty notebook sounds like a good idea.
    I have no experience with the meaning of dreams, but yours are hilarious, I guess you feel like you are neglecting something, too much in your life …..I don’t know. I LOVE retirement, give it a shot, you’ll not regret it!

  49. Shop at home….hope my husband doesn’t ever hear that term! Love the black and white…would love to be the baby who gets to snuggle under that one.

  50. Shop at home….hope my husband doesn’t ever hear that term! Love the black and white…would love to be the baby who gets to snuggle under that one.

  51. I discovered your blog thru PMK and I am still laughing at your Christmas happenings not that your DH fell but in the telling it was sooooo funny. I especially liked the creative swear words you weren’t aware of.
    My parents are both 86 and they too are getting very forgetful to put it nicely. Since they are amish hopefully the horse would find its way home!! 🙂 Actually its not the getting home that is the problem its getting somewhere else. Hugs-

  52. I discovered your blog thru PMK and I am still laughing at your Christmas happenings not that your DH fell but in the telling it was sooooo funny. I especially liked the creative swear words you weren’t aware of.
    My parents are both 86 and they too are getting very forgetful to put it nicely. Since they are amish hopefully the horse would find its way home!! 🙂 Actually its not the getting home that is the problem its getting somewhere else. Hugs-

  53. Nicole – These will be great quilts! I could shop at home as well, but why when there are so many wonderful new collections coming! Have you seen what’s coming from Fig Tree, 3 Sisters, French General, Minick and Simpson, etc?!
    Karen L.

  54. Nicole – These will be great quilts! I could shop at home as well, but why when there are so many wonderful new collections coming! Have you seen what’s coming from Fig Tree, 3 Sisters, French General, Minick and Simpson, etc?!
    Karen L.