I finished all the setting and border units for the Moda Blockheads 4 setting. Sewing and trimming up those quarter square triangle units took forever. The flying geese were a weird size. 2 3/4 x 5 1/2 unfinished (2 1/4 x 5 finished). I was perplexed on how to make them until I discovered good old Bloc Loc actually has a flying geese trim tool that exact weird size. I ordered it of course at great expense. I wonder if I will ever use that size again? It was worth it to have all the geese come out the exact size I guess.
I am starting to sew rows together. So far, two narrow rows. I will sew the block rows tomorrow and keep on plugging away.
I am super distracted today. My dad was taken to the Emergency Room a while ago. He had been vomiting last night and was now confused and had terrible wheezy breathing. They've got my sister in a "consulting room" with grimly encouraging slogans on the walls while they "work on" our dad. "Stars can't shine without darkness" and "You are strong, capable, brave, and ready" are surrounding her and the room lights turn out every five minutes and she has to wave her arms around to turn them back on. It is also about 60 degrees and she has no sweater. It sounds unbelievably ghastly. Send good thoughts, please.