Moda Blockheads Block 8

MBH 5  blk 8
I made Moda Blockheads Block 8. And then I made it again.

MBH 5 blk 8  re-do
Let's take a look at both versions and I will tell you why I like the second one better. 

The first block is fine, but the center seems kind of random and adds nothing to the overall design. In version 2, the green corner squares of the center unit continue the line formed by the green four-patches in the corners, which is nice. Also, the center unit picks up the navy and brown colors in the large navy print. I think the look of the second block is more purposeful and dynamic than the first one. 

I always give myself permission to change up a block if I think it could be better. It may be an annoying personal quirk, but I am not a "done is better than perfect" person by any means. It would haunt me to keep an element in a quilt that I could have improved upon. 

This is a twelve-inch size block. My proposed setting design will combine 5 twelve-inch blocks and 24 six-inch blocks. With only 5 of the larger size blocks, I particularly want the larger blocks to stand out and be remarkable, not ho-hum. The setting I am considering is called Star Dance by My Sew Quilty Life.

Star dance setting
I think today's block might be great right in the center, what do you think?

21 responses to “Moda Blockheads Block 8”

  1. I agree the second block is the better. My thought was the white square in the middle seems to leave a hole. I was taught that the center square should never make a hole. Again, this will be another beautiful piece when you are finished.

  2. I agree the second block is the better. My thought was the white square in the middle seems to leave a hole. I was taught that the center square should never make a hole. Again, this will be another beautiful piece when you are finished.

  3. I agree the second block is the better. My thought was the white square in the middle seems to leave a hole. I was taught that the center square should never make a hole. Again, this will be another beautiful piece when you are finished.

  4. I like the second block much better than the first, it’s beautiful. The light square in the center of the first block doesn’t seem to belong..

  5. I like the second block much better than the first, it’s beautiful. The light square in the center of the first block doesn’t seem to belong..

  6. I like the second block much better than the first, it’s beautiful. The light square in the center of the first block doesn’t seem to belong..

  7. I love your second version. That leaf print in the center is so pretty! And what a great setting! I think your blocks will look so good set in Star Dance!

  8. I love your second version. That leaf print in the center is so pretty! And what a great setting! I think your blocks will look so good set in Star Dance!

  9. I love your second version. That leaf print in the center is so pretty! And what a great setting! I think your blocks will look so good set in Star Dance!

  10. I think Mary very accurately described the white square seems to “leave a hole”. Love the second block.

  11. I think Mary very accurately described the white square seems to “leave a hole”. Love the second block.

  12. I think Mary very accurately described the white square seems to “leave a hole”. Love the second block.

  13. I agree with you & the others that the second block is the better choice. I’ve read the ‘done is better than perfect’ phrase several times recently. It bothers me that putting less than your best effort into a project just to say it’s finished is ok. But, to each their own, I suppose.🤷‍♀️

  14. I agree with you & the others that the second block is the better choice. I’ve read the ‘done is better than perfect’ phrase several times recently. It bothers me that putting less than your best effort into a project just to say it’s finished is ok. But, to each their own, I suppose.🤷‍♀️

  15. I agree with you & the others that the second block is the better choice. I’ve read the ‘done is better than perfect’ phrase several times recently. It bothers me that putting less than your best effort into a project just to say it’s finished is ok. But, to each their own, I suppose.🤷‍♀️