Much Lovliness


Blogging has introduced me to lovely people all over the United States and the rest of the world.  If I hadn't started blogging almost two years ago, I would have far fewer friends than I do now.  One of my special blogging friends is Susan Ramey Cleveland, who has a blog called Blackberry Creek.  She lives in yellow house with her wonderful husband Vann and their sweet dog Sophie Belle Patterpaw.

If you don't know Susan, you must go on over and introduce yourself.  She will welcome you with old fashioned Southern Hospitality.

Things have gotten a bit topsy turvy of late in Susan's neck of the woods, but in spite of the path she finds herself on at the moment, she has taken time to remember some of her blogging friends.  I was thrilled this week to discover this calendar and cookbook from Susan in my mailbox.  The calendar is full of gorgeous quilty pictures, and the cook book….Well, let me just say that the cookbook is my favorite sort–chock full of tried and true recipes that have been tested in real homes by real people.  The kinds of recipes that you take to pot lucks, make when you need an easy dinner, make when company is coming, and look to when you need a dessert that will get everyone's attention.

I have tried a few of Susan's recipes–her Peachy Peach Cobbler and her Crock Pot Pork Roast to name a couple, and they have been sensational.  If you are interested in getting your own copy of this excellent little cookbook, you can go to (click on Contact Us) and order one for yourself for just $10 (plus $3.00 for shipping).  You won't be sorry!

8 responses to “Much Lovliness”

  1. Thanks, Nicole, for your plug here. I’m so glad you like the cookbook. It was such fun putting it together. And, believe me, I’ve tried a majority of the recipes in it, and their all delicious. Those Methodist women sure can cook!

  2. Thanks, Nicole, for your plug here. I’m so glad you like the cookbook. It was such fun putting it together. And, believe me, I’ve tried a majority of the recipes in it, and their all delicious. Those Methodist women sure can cook!

  3. Nicole, I recently “met” Susan when she left a lovely little note on a blog entry of mine. I had no clue who she was and how she had stumbled upon me, so I sent her a little email and she wrote back that she clicked on my blog from Sara’s and my entry for the dog tag for Vash and Pippin. I visited Susan’s blog and learned much…and what a sweet wonderful person! It is an honor to be able to pray for Vann in his struggle with his health. I saw the cookbook on her site and thought, “Hmmm…do I need one more cookbook?” After reading your comments, I think I just might!

  4. Nicole, I recently “met” Susan when she left a lovely little note on a blog entry of mine. I had no clue who she was and how she had stumbled upon me, so I sent her a little email and she wrote back that she clicked on my blog from Sara’s and my entry for the dog tag for Vash and Pippin. I visited Susan’s blog and learned much…and what a sweet wonderful person! It is an honor to be able to pray for Vann in his struggle with his health. I saw the cookbook on her site and thought, “Hmmm…do I need one more cookbook?” After reading your comments, I think I just might!