
My Daughter the BookTuber

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You all have heard of YouTube, right?  Well, if you have a YouTube channel devoted to book reviews and book chats, you are called a BookTuber.  And my daughter Sara just took the plunge and started her own channel!  I invite you to go check her out, subscribe to her updates, and "like" her first post.  Being brand new, she doesn't have any followers, so it would tickle her no end to have a few bookish friends sign on to follow her channel.

Today was her first post and she has some audio issues which she is working on.  She also has some new equipment on order which will make the video quality better in future posts.

She talks about the types of books she enjoys, how she got started reading, and what she hopes to gain from having a YouTube channel.  Her main goal is to engage in conversation with other readers.  Sara lives in a very rural area-her town doesn't even have a bookstore, and I'm not sure, but they may lack a library as well.  She loves to read and would love to get to know other readers.

So, I'd love it if you would check her out and give her some encouragement!  Thanks from her proud mama.

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