Bad Air
This photo was taken by Alexis Reese, of a reservoir/recreation area near us. The upper photo was taken one year ago, and the bottom photo was taken a day ago. Same place, different air. I tell you the smoke from the fires in California is so bad I want to put on a face mask…
I’ve Got Halloween and Christmas Covered
I am making splendid progress on my Christmas Gatherings quilt. I have all four row segments sewn together (row 4 is at the bottom, just out of the picture). The horizontal flying geese lattices aren't done yet, as I am undecided what to do with the center square that is created when the lattices of…
Having Fun With the World’s Coolest Block
I am having so much fun with this quilt block! I am calling it The World's Coolest Quilt Block. On Saturday I made three of them in oranges and blacks for a Halloween table runner. I think I will make two more blocks for the size I want for my table. I could definitely stop…
Very Cool Quilt Block
Is that not the coolest quilt block? If you made the log cabin sections 6" square, and added 2 x 3" flying geese, your finished block would measure about 15" square, which would be the perfect size for a candle mat or a little table topper. Or, you could sew three or four blocks together…
Things I Have Been Loving This Summer
Happy August! I thought it was time for another What I've Been Loving post, since the last one I did was back in May. The items I will tell you about are all over the map this time. Pour yourself a cup of tea or coffee and settle in for a chat! Corn Salad. Oh…
Mid Year Book Reviews: Literary Fiction
Literary fiction is defined as fiction that has literary merit, or more "serious" themes. Although there can be some overlap, literary fiction typically does not fit into other genres such as romance, mystery, horror, science fiction, fantasy etc. This type of novel makes up the bulk of my reading usually. (Except lately I have really…
Mid Year Book Reviews: Psychological Thrillers
A psychological thriller is defined as a story that emphasizes the delusional or unstable mental states of its characters. An unreliable narrator is a given in this type of book. Almost always there is a surprise ending you don't see coming. Ever since Daphne DeMaurier's Rebecca (and probably before!), authors have been writing psychological thrillers. …
Stars and Baskets Christmas Quilt Setting
I am making a lot of flying geese. A lot. You see 140 of them in the photo above, and I have at least that many more to make. I absolutely love this setting, which makes the quilt as far as I am concerned. It ties all the different blocks together cohesively in a beautifully…
Half Year Book Review Part 1: Women’s Fiction
It has recently been pointed out to me that I have not had a book review post in awhile. I plan to rectify that, as I have read a ton of books so far this year. I am up to 60 books since January, which is way too many to review. Keeping that in mind,…
Starching and Trimming
I know I sound like a broken record, but I cannot tell you how much better your stitching will be if you pre-starch your fabrics. I started the Primitive Gatherings Christmas sew along a couple of years ago, and did not starch my fabrics. The piecing involved many tiny units, and even though I knew…