I Can’t Stop
I can't seem to stop making these little six inch Sawtooth Star blocks. Help! I need an intervention. A couple of years ago, a friend was clearing out her stash cupboard and sent me a few charm packs from Primitive Gatherings. I had attended a quilt show and picked up a couple on my own…
Barbara Brackman’s Sawtooth Star Sew Along
I was reading Moda, the Cutting Table this past weekend and learned about a sew along in which I just have to participate. Carrie Nelson, of Miss Rosie fame, is now working for Moda (talk about a dream job…) and one of her responsibilites is writing the Cutting Table blog. If you don't follow…
Orange Peel Block Tutorial
Lucky me, I have had lots of sewing time this week. I am still working on getting the border on my Rhubarb Whirl quilt, and won't subject you another photo of that thing in progress. It's coming along very well. Do you remember me posting about wanting to make an Orange Peel quilt awhile back?…
How To Make A Perfect Pinwheel Block
The quilt I have been working on recently has a lot of pinwheel blocks. (And yes, I did fix that one that was turned wrong). A friend reminded me that when I made a pinwheel quilt about six years ago I announced that I would never make another pinwheel block in my life. I thought they…
Rhubarb Whirl Blocks Done
I am happy to share that my Rhubarb Whirl center blocks are done. I did make the quilt larger than the pattern instructions, and mine will be around 72 inches square once I get the border on. I made 64 pinwheel blocks for my version. It seemed a more useful size for my needs. Blocks…
So, I Had To Do the Math After All
I am just crazy mad in love with this quilt (photo from book, Home to Roost). I have had in my mind for a year or more to make this quilt, but I didn't know how to find the pattern. My inspiration was a miniature quilt called Pinwheel Gardens I saw on Pinterest by Lisa…
Scrappy Trips, My Million Dollar Quilt
In an effort to tackle some neglected UFO's, I got out my Scrappy Trips project box. I had printed out the online pattern instructions back in May 2013, so this has been in the works a good year and a half. I love these fun, cheery, mainly primary colored fabrics. A quilt in this color…
Nifty Notion
Have any of you seen these neat new pins? They came to my attention a few months ago, and I even have some in my Amazon "Wish List" to buy sometime. I guess I can remove that item from my list, because I received this box as a holiday gift. They are called Marilee's Numbered…
Dueling Pinwheels
As you can see I am making good progress on my Rhubarb Whirl blocks. More on that later. No, I didn't lose my mind and start making light blue pinwheels to go with it. The blue pinwheels are blocks from a project Sara started a year or so ago. A dear friend of hers is…
Gypsy Girl
Just got the binding on this little quilt for Eva's room last week. I've had some requests to show more of it, so here you go. I made the quilt back in 2009–here is a link to my post on making it with all the pattern information. I absolutely loved making this quilt.…