Fall Dinner
Nothing sewing related this week, but I do want to share with you one of my favorite fall dinners. The weather is finally starting to feel nippy and I have regretted not grabbing a sweater or jacket once I have dashed out the door on one errand or another. These two dishes, plus a veggie…
What Was I Thinking?
I found myself in JoAnn's Fabrics yesterday. My mission was to pick up some zippers to make a Sew Together Bag. Then, I started thinking. Hmmm, the family Halloween party is this Saturday, and I am planning to take Eva with me. This is a child who has six princess costumes, and it seemed…
Orange Peel, Another Option
Recently I have been experimenting with different options to make the Orange Peel block. I have settled on doing needle turn applique, for a nice hand work project to devote myself to this winter. While I was playing with different applique methods, I saw this template set on the Baycreek Quilting Templates website. They…
Three Small Quilts
Jersey Girl. (Carrie Nelson/Miss Rosie's Quilt Company Schnibble pattern. Honky Tonk fabric by Moda). Hopscotch. (Kim Diehl pattern and fabric, Simple Whatnots Club through Fatquartershop.com). Idaho Lily. (Kim Diehl pattern and fabric, Simple Whatnots Club through Fatquartershop.com). I feel incredibly lucky. These three small quilts have been outstandingly quilted by Mary Flynn of Quilt Holllow. …
Trip to the Pumpkin Patch
Look! It's a Pumpkin Patch! They had scary scarecrows. And witches and ghosts and all sorts of Halloween things. Corn maze. We got lost. Nana was sure we weren't ever going to find our way out, but we did. Then I picked out a green pumpkin. And a white pumpkin… In fact, we…
Dresden Place Center Circles
I am so interested in doing applique these days. I have got to get my Dresden Plate project finished. I only have two more plates to do and the blocks will be done. There is a great method for turning perfect circle edges that I have been using. I think I have blogged about it…
Orange Peel for Real
This is my For Real Orange Peel project. After making 900 test block units I am now ready to embark upon the Real Deal. Good gravy, thank you for all the brilliant suggestions. Sew four 4 1/2 inch scrappy background squares together into your large block first, before appliquing? Chris, can you hear me…
Oh Dear, Which Way To Go?
I spent the entire day, I mean the ENTIRE day yesterday, experimenting with various applique techniques. I had a basic pattern from Moda Bake Shop, for a 4.5 inch block unit that I was using for a template. And here's my issue. The orange peel section is too big for the 4.5 inch square. There…
Orange Peel
I am dying to make an Orange Peel quilt. There are any number of methods one could choose to do it, and I am on the fence as to which way I am going. Moda Bake Shop has a printable, for both machine applique or needleturn applique, which as you see I have printed out. …
Antique Stars–Now For That Lattice
I took all my blocks down and started over with arranging them on the design wall. I was more random in my placement and just decided to let The Force be with me. I can't spend anymore time worrying about what goes where. It is going to be ok. Now, time to get that…