Blah, More Typepad Issues
I am so sorry not to have been able to respond to your comments this week. That is the whole point and fun of blogging as far as I am concerned. Ever since Typepad was attacked again on Monday, I am not getting your comments to go to my email so I can respond. Such…
Canned Pears
For those of you who couldn't see my post from yesterday or leave comments, it was due to a major Typepad issue. Again. They were down all day long. Ever since they were hacked last month it has been one thing after another. I had better type this and get it posted before it goes…
Mini Patterns from Fig Tree
Over the weekend I downloaded four new mini patterns from Fig Tree Designs. One is a mini version of the pear quilt I have been working on. In addition, I got a mini pattern of sewing machines, a flower and cherries. Each one is cute as can be and is teeny tiny (20 to…
Back in the day, I used to sew all my own clothes. I made just about everything except underwear. I even tried to make a bikini a couple of times. (Nothing I could actually wear in public however–my estimate of my pattern size was way off in the swim suit category anyway). At one…
Closet Organizing
Well, this isn't actually my closet, but I did spend all day yesterday organizing my closet for the spring/summer season. The funny thing about any closet organizing photos you find on the internet, is that whose ever closet it is, it only seems to have maybe 24 clothing items. That definitely is not the case…
Just Chatting
Isn't that pretty? The best $9 I ever spent. I get these gorgeous orchids at my local Savemart, and for $9 they give me six weeks of pretty indoor blooms. Sometimes more. Living plants are such a treat to have inside, and anything with a spot of color is a bonus. I haven't been doing…
New Cookbook
I saw my sister T this past weekend. We are a bit of a bad influence on one another, I have to say. If I have something new, she wants it and if she has something new, I think I need to have it too. One of her new acquisitions is the cookbook you see…
Clematis and Baby J
Is this not amazing? It is a clematis vine, one of two, that has been trained to grow over a wrought iron gate on our property. I had no idea in the world what that spindly, not so interesting looking vine was, until it bloomed. Breath taking. Who knew. That is the fun thing about…
Progress on Pears
Despite an attack of Spring Fever, which is causing me to want to sit on the porch sipping iced tea all day long, I have gotten a bit of work done on my pear blocks. If you recall, I had stacks of little bitty squares and rectangles labled from A to M that were to…
Complicated Cutting
Well, that isn't really true. The cutting was simple, but all of those little squares and rectangles are weird sizes: 1 3/8", 1 5/8", 1 7/8", 2". You have to keep your wits about you while you are cutting this pattern out, I tell you. No chardonnay within a mile. And once they are all…