All is NOT Lost!
Thank you Thank you Thank you I love the blogging community. Truly, I thought I had wasted all my beautiful Denyse Schmidt fabric and a lot of time by not trimming correctly while making my Kaleidoscope blocks. So many of you took the time to really look at the mess my blocks were and give…
Unprecidented Fail
I have had an epic failure in my recent Kaleidoscope quilt project. I mentioned that my seams didn't want to line up when I sewed the first two blocks together. Well, it wasn't just those two blocks. Something had gone massively wrong in my cutting. There are two blocks, one with eight pieces, the other…
Puttering Around
We are having a couple of dinner guests this week, and I felt like I needed to spruce up the spring decorations a bit. I spent Monday planting some hanging baskets for the back porch, and doing a couple of little vignettes for the front doors and the front porch. I found the little "lunch…
Blocks Done
Happy blocks are done. Once I made 60 or 70 of them they started to come together. No, actually, it wasn't that bad, quite. I do like the lively look of the colors and design, and think it should be a fun quilt once the blocks are sewn together. Man, did I ever use a…
The sewing room is pretty much of a disaster right now because I am experimenting with the Kaleidoscope blocks. I have sure made a number of blocks wrong! I keep trimming off the corners that I am supposed to attach the corner squares to. I want my 12 piece blocks with the corner squares to…
Lesson Learned
Oh dear. I have been down for the count the past couple of days for sure. Are any of you familiar with the objects pictured above? They are commonly prescribed asthma drugs. The round one on the left is called Advair. There are no generic versions available (there used to be, but the FDA…
Help! Hot Mess Here.
I have a lot to learn about color placement and value it turns out. I spent yesterday afternoon playing with fabric and a new ruler tool a friend sent me. I have been wanting to make a Kaleidoscope quilt ever since I saw Cindy's at Hyacinth Designs. The colors, the alternate circular design that appears,…
Surprise Blocks=New Quilt
I was out in the gargage rummaging around, looking for a nice large bin for all my new happy fabrics, when this project practically fell on my head. Years ago, two houses and a lifetime ago, I began this applique project with some Fig Tree fabrics my friend Lisa sent me. I was so shocked…
The Mailman Came.
Holy Cow. I really need to knock off on the chardonnay before shopping on the internet. The mailman came and there were certainly a lot of packages with my name on them. Sara said, "Mom. It's like Christmas". Oh dear. Well, I can tell you, that I have definitely beefed up my non-existent Happy Fabric…
I’m Starting My Happy Collection
I am starting my Happy Fabric collection! Truth be told, the collection in the photo above I have had for a year or so, but haven't quite had a plan as to how to use it. It is Hope Valley by Denyse Schmidt for Free Spirit Fabrics. Something very special will come of this, I…