The Quilt Show
The Buggy Barn hosts an annual two day quilt show that draws folks from all over the place. The building in the photo above is their little shop. Not only is it chock full of quilts and fabrics on the inside, on the days of the quilt show, they have quilts displayed on every available…
Can you guess in what place I am taking this picture? It is from the inside of this vintage travel trailer that was at the Buggy Barn quilt show! It was hard to get a good picture, due to all the people crowding around, trying to get inside for a look! It has been a…
One of the fun things about taking classes from a quilt designer is that typically, they bring along some samples of their work, and you get to see a little trunk show. Paula Barnes of Red Crinoline Quilts did just that. Not only did she bring a number of gorgeous quilts, but a good selection…
Halloween 1904
This is a quilt I have been wanting to make for several years. The deal was clinched when Thelma and I saw this on display at the Buggy Barn. The pattern is called Halloween 1904 by Blackbird Designs. The blocks are a combination of piecework and applique, but I plan to chance things up a…
Wool, My New Love
Here is $900 worth of wool I bought for my new wool working hobby. I'm kidding, it didn't cost quite that much. The colors of these hand dyed wools are so gorgeous it is hard not to pick up the little bundles of strips when you see a nice collection. That Autumn mix collection was…
A New Area of Study
Are any of you out there wool workers? Before this trip to the Buggy Barn, I had no idea what wool work was all about. What an eye opening experience. I am in love. The photo above is my class project, which was entirely constructed to the point as shown in the few hours of…
The Projects, Part One
Thelma and I signed up for three classes in the four day week of course offerings the Buggy Barn provided. Initially, we intended only to sign up for the two quilt classes offered by Paula Barnes of Red Crinoline Quilts (formerly Bonnie Blue Quilts). Both of us are crazy for Civil War reproduction fabrics and…
Fabulous Vacation
Oh, gracious, did I ever have a fantastic week! I travelled to Spokane, Washington to meet up with my dear friend Thelma of Cupcakes 'n' Daisies, and to take classes at the incomparable Buggy Barn Quilt Shop! Later in the week, our pal Lisa from Stashmaster joined us, and I cannot even begin to describe…
Time for a Change
I have to admit, I am getting a bit weary of summer. Yes, I know, it is sacrilege to say so. We wait for summer with such great anticipation and dream for months of ripe tomatoes and corn, roses, barbeques, swim parties… But it is June we have in mind, not mid August. It's the…
Busy Busy and a Cautionary Tale
I am really off my posting schedule this week. It might have something to do with how much I need to get done before I leave on my trip! My little zippy bags sell well at my son in law's wine tasting shop, and it was time for a new color line more in keeping…